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THE FOURTH OF JULY. 263"Dey ain't none er you young w'ite men never hadno 'casion fer ter strike up wid one er deze Mobile niggers" ? asked Uncle Reinus." 'Kaze ef you iz, den youknows wliarbouts de devilment come in. Show me aMobile nigger," continued the old man, " an' I'll showyou a nigger dat's marked for de chain-gang. Hit maybe de fote er de fif er July, er hit may be de twelf erJinawerry, but w'en a Mobile nigger gits in my naberhoodright den an' dar trubble sails in an' 'gagesbode fer de season. I speck I'm ez fon' er dezeNunited States ez de nex' man w'at knows dat de Eurois busted up ;but long ez Eemus kin stan' on his ninelegs no Mobile nigger can't flip inter dis town longernoWes' P'int 'schushun an' boss 'roun' 'mong de culludfokes.Dat's me, up an' down, an' I boun' dere's a niggersome'rs on de road dis blessid day dat's got dis putaway in his 'membunce.""How did he happen to get you down and maulyou in this startling manner " ? asked the commencementorator, with a tone of exaggerated sympathy inhis voice." Maul who ? " exclaimed Uncle Eemus, indignantly."Maul who? Boss, de nigger dat mauled me ain'tbornded an' yit, dey er got ter have anudder war 'foone is bornded."" Well, what was the trouble ? "" Hit wuz sorter dis way, boss. I wuz stannin'down dere by Mars John Jeems's bank, chattin' wid Sis

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