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254 HIS SAYINGS.politics, an' ef you stan's up like you oughter, hit'lllas' longer dan a bone-fellum. But youwanter haveone er deze yer ole-time grips, an' you des gotter shetyo' eyes an'swing on like wiinner deze yer bull-tarrierdogs."" Oh, I'm goin' to stick, Uncle Remus. You kmput your money on dat. Deze town boys can't play nomore uv dere games on me. I'm fixed. Can't youlend me a dime, Uncle Remus, to buyme a pie? I'm dat hongry dat mystomachnio'nin'."isgittin' ready to go inUncle Remus eyedCharley curiouslya moment,while the latterlooked quietly at his timber toe.Finally, the old man sighed andspoke : "How long isyou bin in dechu'ch, son "?"Mighty near a week," repliedCharley." Well, lemme tellyou dis,now, 'fo' you go enny fudder.You ain't bin in dar long nufffer ter go 'roun' takin up conterbutions.Wait ontwellyou gits sorter seasoned like, an' den I'll hunt 'roun'in my cloze an' see ef I can't run out a thrip er twofer you.But don't you levy taxes too early."

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