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24:8 HIS SAYINGS.meanest bug-juice in town regular sorghum skimmings."" Dat's needer yer ner dar," responded Uncle Kemus." Po' fokes better be fixin'up for Chrismus noww'ile rashuns is cheap. Dat's me. Wen I year Miss'Sally gwine 'bout de house w'isslin' Wen I k'n Readmy Titles Cler ' an' w'en I see de martins swawmin'atter sundown an' w'en I year de peckerwoods confabbin'tergedder desetownmoonshiny nights in my een' erden I knows de hot wedder's a breakin' up, an'I knows it's 'bout time fer po' fokes fer ter be rastlin''roun' and huntin' up dere rashuns. Dat's me, up an'down."" Well, we are satisfied. Better go and hire ahall," remarked the sporting editor, with a yawn." Ifyou are engaged in a talking match you have won themoney. Blanket him somebody, and take him to thestable."" An' w'at's mo'," continued the old man, scorning"to notice the insinuation, dough I year Miss Sallyw'isslin', an' de peckerwoods a chatterin', I ain't seein'none er deze yer loafin' niggers fixin' up fer ter'migrate. Dey kin holler Kansas all 'roun' de naberhood,but ceppin' a man come 'long an' itspell widgreenbacks, he don't ketch none er deze yer town niggers.You year me, dey ain't gwine.""Stand him up on the table," said the sporting"editor ; give him room."

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