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THAT DECEITFUL JUG. 247" I boun' you is, boss ;I boun' you is. But youain't seed no seetful juglike dat. Dar she sets abellyin' out an' lookin' mighty fat an' full, an' yit she'dsetdar a bellyin' out ef dere wuzent nuthin' but win'under dat stopper. You knows dat she ain't got noaigs in her, ner no bacon, ner no grits, ner no termartusses,ner no shellotes, an' dat's 'bout all you duzknow.Dog my cats ef de seetfulness er dat jug don'tgit away wid me," continued Uncle Remus, with achuckle." I wuz comin' 'cross de bridge des now, an rBrer John Henry seed me wid de bag slung onter myback, an' de jug in it, an' he ups an' sez, sezee :" 'Heyo, Brer Remus, ain't it gittin'late for watermillions? '" Hit wuz de seetfulness er dat jug. If Brer JohnHenry know'd de color er dat watermillion, I speck he'dsnatch me up'fo' de confunce. I 'clar' ter grashus efdat jug ain't a caution "!" I suppose it's full of molasses now," remarked oneof the young men, sarcastically." " Hear dat ! exclaimed Uncle Kemus, triumphantly"hear dat! Wat I tellyou? I sed dat jug wuzseetful, an' I sticks to it. I bin knowin' dat "" What has it got in it " ? broke in some one ;"molasses, kerosene, or train-oil ? "" Well, I lay she's loaded, boss. I ain't shuk her upsence I drapt in, but I lay she's loaded."" Yes," said the agricultural editor, " and it's the

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