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246 HIS SAYINGS.his shoulder, and in the bag was a jug. The presenceof this humble but useful vessel in Uncle Remus's bagwas made the occasion for several suggestive jokes athis expense by the members of the staff, but the oldman's good humor was proof against all insinuations." Dat ar jug's bin ter wah, mon. Hit's wunnerdeze yer ole timers.I got dat jug down dar in PutmonCounty w'en Mars 'Lisha Ferryman wuz a young man,an' now he's done growed up, an' got ole an' died, an'his chilluns isgrowed up an' dey kin count dere gran'-chilluns, an' yit dar's dat jug des ez lively an' ez lierbulfer ter kick up devilment ez w'at she wuz w'en shecome fum de foundry."" That's the trouble," said one of the young men." That's the reason w'd like to know what's in it now.""Now youer gittin' on ma' shy groun'," replied"Uncle Remus. Dat's de p'int. Dat's w'at make mesay w'at I duz. I bin knowin' dat jug now gwine onsixty-fi' year, an' de jug w'at's more seetful dan dat jugain't on de topside er de worrul. Dar she sets," continuedthe old man, gazing at it reflectively, " dar shesets dez ez natchul ez er ambertype, an' yit whar's deman w'at kin tell w'at kinder confab she's a gwinetercarry on w'en dat corn-cob is snatched outen 'er mouf ?Dat jug ismighty seetf ul, mon."" Well,it don't deceive any of us up here," remarkedthe agricultural editor, dryly. "We've seenjugs before."

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