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244 HIS SAYINGS."Wat kinder racket is dis youer givin' un me now,Brer Ab ? "" I done bin dar, Brer Remus ;I done seed um widbofe my eyes. Cullud lady what wuz intranced donewoke up an' say dey ain't much timefer ter tarry. She say she meet erangel in de road,an' he p'intedstraight fer demornin' star, an'tell her fer terprepar'.lookcu'us,Remus."HitmightyBrer."Cum down ter dat, BrerAb," said Uncle Remus, wipinghis spectacles carefully, and readjusting them "cumdown ter dat, an' deyain't nuthin' dat ain't cu'us. Iain't no spishus nigger myse'f, but I 'spizes fer ter yeardogs a howlin' an' squinch-owls havin' de ager out in dewoods, an' w'en a bull goes a bellerin' by de house denmy bones git cole an' myflesh commences fer tercreep ; but w'en it comes ter deze yer sines in de a'ran' deze yer sperritsin de woods, den I'm out denI'm done. I is, fer a fack. I bin livin' yer more'nseventy year, an' I year talk er niggers seein' ghos'esall times er night an' all times er day, but I ain't never

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