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240 HIS SAYINGS.you do it. Yo' bes' holt is de chain-gang. You kinmake yo' livin' dar w'en you can't make it nowharselse. But don't you git on dem kyars. Ef you do, youergone nigger. Ef you ain't got no money fer ter walkback wid, you better des b'il' yo' nes' right here. I'ma-talkin' wid de bark on.I done seed deze yer Arkinsawemmygrants come lopein' back, an' some un 'emdidn't have rags miff on 'em fer ter hide dere nakidness.You leave dat box right whar she is, an' let de'oman take wun young un an' you take de udder wun,an' den you git in de middle er de big road an' pullout fer de place whar you come fum. I'm preachin'now."Those who watched say the quartet didn't take theXII.AS A MURDERER.UNCLE REMUS met a police officer recently." You ain't hear talk er no dead nigger nowhar dismawnin', is you, boss " ? asked the old man earnestly." No," replied the" policeman, reflectively. No, Ibelieve not. Have you heard of any "?" 'Pears unter me dat I come mighty nigh gittin'some news 'bout dat size, an' dat's w'at I'm a huntin' fer.Bekaze ef dey er foun' a stray nigger layin' 'roun'loose, wid 'is bref gone, den I wanter go home an' git my

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