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THE EMIGRANTS. 239the depot. "Hit's down in Alabam. When we gitdar, maybe we'll go on twel we gits ter Massasip."" Is you got enny folks out dar ? " inquired UncleRemus." None dat I knows un.""An' youer takin' dis 'oman an' deze chillun outdar whar dey dunno nobody? Whar's yo' perwisions? "eying a chest with a ropearound it." Dem's our bed-cloze,"the old negro explained,noticingthe glance of UncleKemus. "All devittles what wegot we e't 'fo' westarted."" An' you speckter retch dar safean' soun' ?Whar'syo' ticket "? " Ain't got none. De man say ez how dey'd passus thoo. I gin a man a fi'-dollar bill 'fo' I lef ' Jonesboro,an' he sed dat settled it."" Lemme tellyou dis," said Uncle Remus, straighten-"ing up indignantly :you go an' rob somebody an' giton de chain-gang, an' let de 'oman scratch 'roun' yer an'make 'er livin' ;but don't you git on dem kyars don't

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