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IN THE R6LE OF A TARTAR. 233an* ef dat name's bin changed I ain't seen her abbertized."IX.IN THE RdLE OF A TARTAR.A CHARLESTON negro who was in Atlanta on theFourth of July made a mistake. He saw Uncle Remusedging his way through the crowd, and thought heknew him." Howdy, Daddy Ben " ? the stranger exclaimed." I tink I nubber see you no mo'. Wey you gwan ?He hot fer true, ain't he " ?" Daddy who " ? asked Uncle Remus, straighteninghimself up with dignity." Wich "?" I know you in Charl'son, an' den in Sewanny. Ispec I dun grow away from 'membrance.""You knowed me in Charlstun, and den in Savanny"?" He been long time, ain't he, Daddy Ben ?"" Dat's w'at's a pesterin' un me. How much youreckon "you know'd me ?"He good while pas'; when I wer' pickaninny.He long time ago. Wey you gwan, Daddy Ben "?"Wat does you season your recollection wid ferter make it hole on so " ?inquired the old man." I dunno. He stick hese'f . I see you comin' 'long''n I say Dey Daddy Ben.' I tink I see you no mo',

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