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RACE IMPROVEMENT. 231de box, an' den dey draps out des ez fresh ez deze yerfishes w'at you git fum Savannah, an' you ain't gottime fer ter look at dere gills, nudder."vm.RACE IMPROVEMENT." DEKE'S a kind er limberness 'bout niggers desedays dat's mighty cu'us," remarked Uncle Remus yesterday,as he deposited a pitcher of fresh water uponthe exchange table. " I notisses it in de alley-ways an'on de street-cornders. Dey er rackin' up, mon, dezeyer cullud fokes is."" What are you trying to give us now " ? inquiredone of the young men, in a bilious tone."The old man's mind iswandering," said thesociety editor, smoothing the wrinkles out of hialavender kids.Uncle Remus laughed." I speck I is a gittin'mofrailer dan I wuz 'fo' de fahmin days wuz over, but Isees wid my eyes an' I years wid my year, same ezenny er dese yer young bucks w'at goes a gallopin''roun' huntin' up devilment, an' w'en I sees de limbernesser dese yer cullud people, an' w'en I sees how deyer dancin' up, den I gits sorter hopeful. Dey er kinderketchin' up wid me.""How is that?"

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