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A CONFESSION. 225" That's what they are doing," responded a youngman ;" that's the way they make a living."" Dat w'at make I say w'at I duz dat w'at keepme grum'lin' w'en I goes in cullud fokes s'ciety.Someniggers ain't gwine ter wuk nohow, an' hit's flingin''way time fer ter set enny chain-gang traps fer terketch um."" " "Well, now, here ! exclaimed the young man, in adramatic tone, " what are you givingus now ?Isn't itjust as honest and just as regular to sell pies as it is todo any other kind of work ? "" 'Tain't dat, boss," said the old man, seeing that hewas about to be cornered ;" 'tain't dat. Hit's denas'ness un it w'at gits me."" "Oh, get out !" Dat's me, boss, up an' down. Ef dere's ruinashunennywhar in de known wurril, she goes in de comp'nyuv a hongry nigger w'at's a totin'pies 'roun'. Sometimes w'en I gitkotch wid emptiness in de pit erde stummuck, an' git ter fairlyhonin' arter sump'n' w'at gotsubstance in it,den hitlook like unto me dat Ikin stan' flat-footed aa'make more cle'rmoneyeatin' pies dan I could if Iwuz ter sell de las' one

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