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222 HIS SAYINGS.him wine, an' smoky him seegyar all troo de night.Plenty fer eat an' not much fer wuk."" Hit's mighty nice, I speck," responded UncleRemus, gravely.high feedin' ain't got no grip." De nigger dat ain't hope up 'longerBut up yer whar fokesis gotter scramble 'roun' an' make der own livin', devittles wat's kumerlated widout ennysweatin' mos'allers gener'lly b'longs ter some yuther man by rights.One hoe-cake an' a rasher er middlin' meat las's mefum Sunday ter Sunday, an' I'm in a mighty big streaker luck w'en I gits dat."The Savannah negro here gave utterance to a loud,contemptuous laugh, and began to fumble somewhatostentatiously with a big brass watch-chain." But I speck I struck up wid a payin' job las'Chuseday," continued Uncle Remus, in a hopeful tone."Wey you gwan do ? "" Oh, I'm a waitin' on a culledgemmun fum Savannahwunner deze yer high livers youbin tellin''bout.""How dat?"" I loant 'im two dollars," responded Uncle Remus,grimly, " an' I'm a waitin' on 'im fer de money.wunner deze yer jobs w'at las's a long time."Hit'sThe Savannah negro went off after his rice-birds,while Uncle Remus leaned up againstthe wall andlaughed until he was in imminent danger of fallingdown from sheer exhaustion.

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