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UNCLE REMUS'S CHURCH EXPERIENCE. 219benches like ez dey wuz sorter makin' der way ter mypew. So I kinder hump myse'f an' scramble out, andde fus man w'at I seed was a p'leeceman, an' he had anigger 'rested, an' de fergiven name er dat nigger wuzKemus.""He didn't 'res' you, did he, Brer Kemus ? "" Hit's des like I tell you, Brer Kastus, an' I hattergit Mars John fer to go inter my bon's fer me. Hitain't no use fer ter sing out chu'ch ter me, Brer Rastus.I done bin an' got my dose. Wen I goes ter war, Iwanter know w'at I'm a doin'. I don't wanter githemmed up 'mong no wimmen and preachers. I wantselbow-room, an' I'm bleedzd ter have it. Des gimmeelbow-room."" But, Brer Remus, you ain't:" I mout drap in, Brer Rastus, an' den ag'in Imoutn't, but w'en you duz see me santer in de do', widmy specs on, youk'n des say to de congergashun, sorterfamilious like,'Yer come ole man Remus wid hishoss-pistol, an' ef dar's much uv a skuffle 'roun' yer disevenin' youer gwineter year fum 'im.' Dat's me, an'dat's what you kin tell um. So long! Member me toSis Abby."

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