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206 A STORY OF THE WAR." Co'se," said Uncle Remus, addressing himself toMiss Theodosia, "you ain't bin to Putmon, en youdunner whar de Brad Slaughter place en HarmonyGrove is,but Mars John en Miss Sally, dey bin dara time er two, en dey knows how de Ian' lays.den, it 'uz rightWell,'long in dere whar Mars Jeems lived,en whar he live now. When de war come 'long hewuz livin' dere longer Ole Miss en Miss Sally. OleMiss 'uz his ma, en Miss Sally dar 'uz his sister. Dewar come des like I tell you, en marters sorter rockalong same like dey allers did. Hit didn't strike medat dey wuz enny war gwine on, en ef I hadn't sortermiss de nabers, en seed fokes gwine outer de way ferter ax de news, I'd a 'lowed ter myse'f dat de war wuz'way off 'mong some yuther country. But all dis timede fuss wuz gwine on, en Mars Jeems, he wuz deseatchin' fer ter put in. Ole Miss en Miss Sally, deytuck on so he didn't git off de fus' year, but bimebynews come down dat times wuz gittin putty hot, enMars Jeems he got up, he did, en say he gotter go,en go he did. He got a overseer fer ter look atterde place, en he went en jined de army.fighter, too, mon, Mars Jeems wuz.En Jie 'uz aMany's en many'sde time," continued the old man, reflectively, "dat Ihatter take'n bresh dat boyon accounter his 'buzin*en beatin' dem yuther boys. He went off dar fer terfight, en he fit. Ole Miss useter call me up Sundayen read w'at de papers say 'bout Mars Jeems, en it

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