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A STORY OF THE WAR. 203up his rugged face. She remembered a name herbrother had often used in his letters, and, with awoman's tact, she held out her hand, and said :"Is this Uncle Remus?"" Law, Miss Doshy ! how you know de ole nigger ?I know'd you by de faver ;but how you know me ? "And then, without waiting for a reply:" Miss Sally,she sick in bed, en Mars John, he bleedzd ter go in decountry, en dey tuck'n sont me. I know'd you deminnit I laid eyes on you. Time I seed you, I say termyse'f, ( I lay dar's Miss Doshy,' en, sho miff, daryou wuz. You ain't gun up yo' checks, is you?Kaze I'll git de trunk sont up by de 'spress waggin."The next moment Uncle Kemus was elbowing hisway unceremoniously through the crowd, and in avery short time, seated in the carriage driven by theold man, Miss Huntingdon was whirling through thestreets of Atlanta in the direction of her brother'shome.She took advantage of the opportunity to studythe old negro's face closely, her natural curiosity considerablysharpened by a knowledge of the fact thatUncle Remus had played an important part in herbrother's history. The result of her observation musthave been satisfactory, for presently she laughed, andsaid:" Uncle Remus, you haven't told me how you knewme in that great crowd."

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