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202 A STORY OF THE WAR.some extent she was an invalid. It was in vain thatshe argued with herself as to the propriety of undertakingthe journey alone and unprotected, and she finallyput an end to inward and outward doubts by informingherself and her friends, including John Huntingdon,her brother, who was practicing law in Atlanta, thatshe had decided to visit the South.When, therefore, on the 12th of October, 1870the date is duly recorded in one of Miss Theodosia'sletters she alighted from the cars in Atlanta, in themidst of a great crowd, she fully expected to find herbrother waiting to receive her. The bells of severallocomotives were ringing, a number of trains weremoving in and out, and the porters and baggage-menwere screaming and bawling to such an extent that forseveral moments Miss Huntingdon was considerablyconfused ;so much so that she paused in the hope thather brother would suddenly appear and rescue herfrom the smoke, and dust, and din. At that momentsome one touched her on the arm, and she heard astrong, half -confident, half -apologeticvoice exclaim :" Ain't dish yer Miss Doshy "?Turning, Miss Theodosia saw at her side a tall,gray-haired negro.Elaborating the incident afterwardto her friends, she was pleased to say that the appearanceof the old man was somewhat picturesque.Hestood towering above her, his hat in one hand, a carriage-whipin the other, and an expectant smile lighting

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