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INTRODUCTION.xviicms retorts, the homely thrusts, the quaint comments,and the humorous philosophy of the race of whichUncle Remus is the type.If the reader not familiar with plantation life willimagine that the myth-storiesof Uncle Remus are toldnight after night to a little boy by an old negro whoappears to be venerable enough to have lived duringthe period which he describes who has nothing butpleasant memories of the discipline of slavery andwho has all the prejudices of caste and pride of familythat were the natural results of the system ;if thereader can imagineall this, he will find little difficultyin appreciating and sympathizing with the airof affectionatesuperiority which Uncle Remus assumes as heproceeds to unfold the mysteries of plantation lore to alittle child who is the product of that practical reconstructionwhich has been going on to some extent sincethe war in spite of the politicians. Uncle Remus describesthat reconstruction in his Story of the War, andImay as well add here for the benefit of the curiousthat that story is almost literally true.J. C. H.

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