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174: PLANTATION PROVERBS.Mole don't see w'at his naber doin'.Save de pacin' mar' fer Sunday.Don't rain eve'y time de pig squeal.Crow en corn can't grow in de same fieP.Tattlin' 'oman can't make de bread rise.Rails split'fo' bre'kfus' '11 season de dinner.Dem w'at knows too much sleeps under de ash-hopper.Ef you wanter see yo' own sins, clean up a new groun'.Hog d.unner w'ich part un 'im'll season de turnip salad.Hit's a blessin' de w'ite sow don't shake de plum-tree.Winter grape sour, whedder you kin reach 'im or not.Mighty po' bee dat don't make mo' honey dan he wantKwishins on mule's foots done gone out er fashun.Pigs dunno w'at a pen's fer.Possum's tailgood as a paw.Dogs don't bite at de front gate.Colt in de barley-patch kick high.Jay-bird don't rob his own nes'.Pullet can't roost too high for de owl.Meat fried 'fo'day won't las' twel night.Stump water won't kyo de gripes.De howlin' dog know w'at he sees.Bline hoss don't fall w'en he follers de bit.Hongry nigger won't w'ar his maul out.Don't fling away de empty wallet.Black-snake know de wayLooks won't do ter splitrails wid.ter de hiri nes'.Settin' hens don't hanker arter fresh aigs.

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