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168 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION." 'Now, den,' sez Brer Fox, ' we er gone, sho,'" 'Wat we gwine do ? ' sez Brer Rabbit, sezee."Til gitin de maul,' sez Brer Fox, 'en you'lljump in de gall,'sezee." Nex' rnawnin' yer cum de man w'at de cowb'long ter, an he ax who kill Bookay. Nobody don'tDen de man say he'll cut 'er open en see,say nuthin'.en den he whirl in, en twan't no time 'fo' he had 'erintruls spread out. Brer Rabbit, he cropegall, en say, sezee :out'n de"'Mister Man! Oh, Mister Man! I'll tellyouwho kill yo' cow. You look in de maul, en dar you'llfine 'im,'sezee." Wid dat de man tuck a stick and lam down on demaul so hard dat he kill Brer Fox stone-dead. WenBrer Rabbit see Brer Fox wuz laid out fer good, hemake like he mighty sorry, en he up'n ax de man ferBrer Fox head. Man say he ain't keerin', en den BrerRabbit tuck'n brungit ter Brer Fox house. Dar hesee ole Miss Fox, en he tell 'er dat he done fotch hersome nice beef w'at 'erole man sont 'er, but she ain'tgotter look at it twel she go ter eat it." Brer Fox son wuz name Tobe, en Brer Rabbit tellTobe fer ter keep still w'iles his mammycook de nicebeef w'at his daddy sont 'im. Tobe he wuz mightyhongry, en he look in de pot he did w'iles de cookin'wuz gwine on, en dar he see his daddy head, en wid

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