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150 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION.dat Brer Fox, he tuck'n had a sneezin' spell, en MissMeadows en de gals dey up'n koff.Eabbit jump up en crack his heels tergedderTh'ee times Breren comedown wid de sludge-hammer ker-Ham ! en eve'ytime he jump up, he holler out :" 'Stan' fudder, ladies ! Yer come de dus' ! 'en shomiff, de dus' come." Leas' ways," continued Uncle Remus, "Brer Rabbitgot one er de gals, en dey had a weddin' en a biginfa'r."" Which of the girls did the Rabbit marry ? " askedthe little boy, dubiously." I did year tell un 'er name," replied the old man,with a great affectation of interest," but look like Idone gone en fergit it off'nmy mine. Ef I don't disremember,"he continued, " hit wuz Miss Molly Cottontail,en I speck we better let it goat dat."XXXI.A PLANTATION WITCH.THE next time the littleboy got permissionto callupon Uncle Remus, the old man was sittingin hisdoor, with his elbows on his knees and his faceburied in his hands, and he appeared to be in greattrouble.

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