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WHY MR. POSSUM HAS NO HAIR ON HIS TAIL. 129" Break who"? exclaimed Uncle Remus, with atouch of indignation in his tone" break who ? Indem days, Miss Meadows's bed-cord would a hilt amule."This put an end to whatever doubts the child mighthave entertained.XXVII.WHY MR. POSSUM HAS NO HAIR ON HIS TAIL." HIT look like ter me," said Uncle Remus, frowning,as the littleboy came hopping and skipping intothe old man's cabin," dat I see a young un 'bout yo'size playin' en makin' free wid dem ar chillunser oleMiss Favers's yistiddy, en w'en I seed dat, I drap myaxe, en I come in yer en sot flat down right wharyouer settin' now, en I say ter myse'f dat it's 'bouttime fer ole Remus fer ter hang up en quit. Dat'sdes zackly w'at I say."" Well, Uncle Remus, they called me," said the littleboy, in a penitent tone. " They come and calledme, and said they had a pistol and some powder overthere."" " Dar now ! exclaimed the old man, indignantly." Dar now !w'at I bin sayin' ? Hit's des a born blessin'dat you wa'n't brung home on a litter wid bofeeyeballs hangin' out en one year clean gone dat's w'at;20

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