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128 LEGENDS OP THE OLD PLANTATION.inter de water, he did, en tie de bedcord hard en fas'ter wunner deze yer big clay-roots, enden he riz up engin a whoop." Brer B'ar he wrop de bed-cord roun' his han', enwink atde gals, en wid dat he gin a big juk, but BrerTarrypin ain't budge. Den he take bofe han's en gina big pull, but, all de same, Brer Tarrypin ain't budge.Den he tu'n 'roun', he did, en put de rope cross hisshoulders en try ter walk off wid Brer Tarrypin, butBrer Tarrypin look like he don't feel like walkin'.Den Brer Wolf he put in en hope Brer B'ar pull, butdes like he didn't, en den deyallhope 'im, en, blessgrashus w'iles dey wuz all a ! pullin', Brer Tarrypin,he holler, en ax urn w'y dey don't take up de slack.Den w'en Brer Tarrypin feel um quit pullin', he dovedown, he did, en ontie de rope, en by de time dey gotter de branch, Brer Tarrypin, he wuz settin' in deaidge er de water des ez natchul ez de nex' un, en heup'n say, sezee :" 'Dat las'pull er yone wuz a mighty stiff un, en a'leetle mo'n you'd er had me,' sezee. Youer monstusstout, Brer -B'ar,' sezee,'en you pulls like a yoke ersteers, but I sorter had de purchis on you,' sezee." Den Brer B'ar, bein's his mouf 'gun ter wateratter de sweetnin', he up'n say he speck de candy'sripe, en off dey put atter it ! "" It's a wonder," said the little boy, after a while," that the rope didn't break."

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