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HOW MR. RABBIT LOST HIS FINE BUSHY TAIL. 123en Brer Fox, he say down at de babtizin' creek, enBrer Rabbit he ax how, kaze in dem days dey wuzmonstus fon' er minners, en Brer Fox, he sot downon a log, he did, en he up'n tell Brer Rabbit dat allhe gotter do fer ter git er big mess er minners ister go ter de creek atter sun down, en drap his tailin de water en set dar twel day-light, en den draw upa whole armful er fishes, en dem w'at he don't want,he kin fling back. Rightdar's whar Brer Rabbitdrap his watermillion, kaze he tuck'n sot out datnight en went a fishin'. De wedder wuz sorter cole,en Brer Rabbit, he got 'im a bottle er dram en putout fer de creek, en w'en he git dar he pick out agood place, en he sorter squot down, he did,en lethis tailhang in de water. He sot dar, en he sot dar,en he drunk his dram, en he think he gwineter freeze,but bimeby day come, en dar he wuz. He make apull, en he feel like he comin' in two, en he fetchnudder jerk, en lo en beholes, whar wuz his tail "?There was a long pause." Did it come off, Uncle Remus ? " asked the littleboy, presently." "She did dat !replied the old man with unction." She did dat, and dat w'at make all deze yer bob-tailrabbits w'at you see hoppin' en skaddlin' thoo dewoods."" Are they all that way just because the old Rabbitlost his tail in the creek ? " asked the little boy.

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