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MR. BEAR CATCHES OLD MR. BULL-FROG.H7fambly ? I hope deyer well, Brer B;Jl-frog, kaze disday you got some bizness wid me w'at'll las' you amighty long time.'" Brer Bull-frog, he dunner w'at ter say.Hedunner wat's up, en he don't say nuthin'. Ole BrerB'ar he keep runnin' on :" 'Youer de man w'at tuck en fool me 'bout BrerRabbit t'er day.now I'llYou had yo' fun, Brer Bull-frog, engK mine.'" Den Brer Bull-frog, he gin ter git skeerd, he did,en he up'n say:" 'W'at I bin doin', Brer B'ar ?How I bin foolin'you ?'" Den Brer B'ar lafE,en make like he dunno, buthe keep on talkin'." 'Oh, no, Brer Bull-frog You ain't de man w'at!stick yo' head up out'n de water en tell me Brer Rabbitdone gone on by. Oh, no !you ain't de man. Iboun' you ain't. 'Bout dat time, you wuz at homewith yo' fambly, whar youallers is. I dunner wharyou wuz, but I knows whar you is,Brer Bull-frog, enhit'syou en me fer it. Atter de sun goes down disday you don't fool no mo' folks gwine 'long dis road.'"Co'se, Brer Bull-frog dunner w'at Brer B'ardrivin' at, but he know sump'n hatter be done, en datmighty soon, kaze Brer B'ar 'gun to snap his jaws tergedderen foam at de mouf, en Brer Bull-frog hollerout :

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