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98 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION."Did the Fox eat the bird all allup ?" askedthe little boy." Jedge B'ar come 'long nex' day," replied UncleRemus, " en he fine some fedders, en fum dat wordwent roun' dat ole man Squinch Owl done kotch nudderwatzizname.''HOW MR. RABBIT SAVED HIS MEAT." ONE time," said Uncle Remus, whetting his knifeslowly and thoughtfully on the palm of his hand, andgazing reflectively in the fire "one time BrerWolf"" "Why, Uncle Remus ! the littleboy broke in," I thought yousaid the Rabbit scalded the Wolf todeath a long time ago."The old man was fairly caught and he knew it ;but this made little difference to him. A frowngathered on his usually serene brow as he turned hisgaze upon the child a frown in which both scorn andindignation were visible. Then all at once he seemedto regain control of himself. The frown was chasedaway by a look of Christian resignation." Dar now ! W'at I tellyou " ? he exclaimed asif addressing a witness concealed under the bed." Ain't I done tole you so ? Bless !grashus ef chillunsain't gittin' so dey knows mo'n ole fokes, en dey'll

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