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92 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION.XIX.THE FATE OF MR. JACK SPARROW." YOU'LL tromple on dat bark twel hit won't betitten fer ter fling 'way, let 'lone make boss-collarsout'n," said Uncle Eemus, as tbe little boy came runninginto his cabin out of the rain. All over the floorlong strips of " wahoo " bark were spread, and thesethe old man was weaving into horse-collars." I'll sit down, Uncle Kemus," said the little boy." Well, den, you better, honey," responded the oldman, " kaze I 'spizes fer ter have my wahoo trompled on.Ef 'twuz shucks, now, hit mout be diffunt, but I'm agittin' too ole fer ter be projickin' longer shuck collars."For a few minutes the old man went on with hiswork, but with a solemn air altogether unusual. Onceor twice he sighed deeply, and the sighs ended in aprolonged groan, that seemed to the little boy to beHethe result of the most unspeakable mental agony.knew by experience that he had done something whichfailed to meet the approval of Uncle Remus, and hetried to remember what it was, so as to frame an excuse;but hismemory failed him. He could think ofnothing he had done calculated to stir Uncle Remus'sHe was not exactly seized with remorse, but hegrief.was very uneasy.Presently Uncle Remus looked athim in a sad and hopeless way, and asked :

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