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MR. RABBIT FINDS HIS MATCH AT LAST. 91he don't see Brer Tarrypin, en den he squallout:" 'Gimme de money, GimmeBrer Buzzard !'money !" Den Miss Meadows en de gals, deydeholler and lafffit ter kill deyse'f, en ole Brer Tarrypin, he raise upfum behime de pos' en sez, sezee :u< Ef you'll gimme time fer ter ketch my breff,gents en ladies, one en all, I speck I'll finger datmoney myse'f,' sezee, en sho nuff, Brer Tarrypin tiede pu's'roun' his neck en skaddle * off home."" But, Uncle Remus," said the little boy, dolefully," that was cheating.""Co'se, honey. De creeturs 'gun ter cheat, enden fokes tuck it up, en hit keep on spreadin'. Hitmighty ketchin', en you mine yo' eye, honey, dat somebodydon't cheat you 'fo' yo' ha'r git gray ez de olenigger's."* It may be interesting to note here that in all probability theword " skedaddle," about which there was some controversy duringthe war, came from the Virginia negro's use of " skaddle," which isa corruption of " scatter." The matter, however, is hardly worthreferring to.

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