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MR. RABBIT FINDS HIS MATCH AT LAST. 87" dar's whar my 'membunce gin out, kaze Brer Rabbitdid git kotched up wid, en hit cool 'im off like po'in'spring water on one er deze yer biggity fices.""How was that, Uncle Remus?" asked the littleboy.One day w'en Brer Rabbit wuz gwine lippityclippitin'down de road, he meet up wid ole BrerTarrypin, en atter dey pass de time er day wid wunnernudder, Brer Rabbit, he 'low dat he wuz much 'blijeter Brer Tarrypin fer de han' he tuck in de rumpusdat day down at Miss Meadows's.""When he dropped off of the water-shelf on theFox's head," suggested the little boy." Dat's de same time, honey. Den Brer Tarrypin'low dat Brer Fox run mightyfas' dat day,but dat ef he'd er bin atter 'im stidderBrer Rabbit, he'd er kotch 'im.BrerRabbit say he could er kotch 'im hisse'fbut he didn'tkeer'bout leavin'de ladies.Dey keep ontalkin', dey did,twelbimebydey gotter 'sputin''bout w'ichwuz de swif'es'. Brer Rabbit, he say he kin outrunBrer Tarrypin, en Brer Tarrypin, he des vow dat he

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