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86 LEGENDS OF THE OLD PLANTATION." And what about Brother Possum ? " asked thelittle boy." Ole Brer Possum, he tuck a runnin' start, he did,en he come lumberin' 'long, en he lit kerblam !right in de middle er de fier, en dat wuz de las' er oleBrer Possum."" But, Uncle Remus, Brother Possum didn't stealthe butter after all," said the little boy, who was not atall satisfied with such summary injustice." Dat w'at make I say w'at I duz, honey. In disworril, lots er fokes is gotter suffer fer udder fokessins. Look like hit'smighty onwrong ; but hit's desdat away. Tribbalashun seem like she's a waitin'roun' de cornder fer ter ketch one en all un us,honey."XVIII.MR. RABBIT FINDS HIS MATCH AT LAST." HIT look like ter me dat I let on de udder nightdat in dem days w'en de creeturs wuz santer'n 'roun'same like fokes, none un um wuz brash nuff fer terketch up wid Brer Rabbit,"reflectively.remarked Uncle Remus,"Yes," replied the little boy, "that's what yousaid."" Well, den," continued the old man with unction,

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