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MR. POX AND THE DECEITFUL FROGS. 69sound produced by throwing several stones in rapidsuccession into a pond of deep water, may be able toform a very faint idea of the sound, but it can not bereproduced in print.The littleboy was astonished." ""What did you say, Uncle Kemus ?" I-doom-er-ker-kum-mer-ker ! I-doom-er-ker-kummer-ker!""What is that?"" Dat's Tarrypin talk, dat is. Bless yo' soul, honey,"continued the old man, brightening up, " w'en you gitole ez me w'en you see w'at I sees, en year w'at Iyears de creeturs dat you can't talk wid '11 be mightyskase dey will dat. Wy, ders er old gray rat w'atuses 'bout yer, en time atter time he comes out w'enyou all done gone ter bed en sets up dar in de cornderen dozes, en me en him talks by de 'our en w'at dat;old rat dunno ain't down in de spellin''book.Des now,w'en you run in and broke me up, I wuz fetchin' intermy mine w'at Brer Tarrypin say ter Brer Fox w'en heturn 'im loose in de branch."" What did he say, Uncle Kemus ? ""Dat w'at he said I-doom-er-ker-kum-mer-ker!Brer Tarrypin wuz at de bottom er de pon', en he talkback, he did, in bubbles I-doom-er-ker-kum-mer-ker!Brer Fox, he ain't sayin' nuthin', but Brer Bull-Frog,settin' on de bank, he hear Brer Tarrypin, he did, enhe holler back :" 'Jug-er-rum-kum-dum ! Jug-er-rum-kum-dum ! '

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