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N T I S2010Export Prospect: According to industry sources, prospect is very good for new designs and niche productssuch as blankets.Index 2: World Market ConditionsTable 2.39Total World Export Value of Pashmina Products, 2005-09 (US$1,000)2005 2006 2007 2008 20091,138,040 1,059,315 1,222,434 1,701,445 n/aNote: Data covers products 6214.10/20/90 and 6301.20Market Access Conditions (Tariffs and NTBs): Tariffs are low in most markets. The EU 71 and Japan apply zerotariffs to Nepal. No preferential access is granted in the US market, which applies a 6.7 per cent tariff. Firmsinterviewed did not report difficulties with other trade barriers.Major Competitors in World Market: The main competitors are China and India.World Market Prospect: There has recently been a strong upward trend in world markets for such products.However, as Pashmina products are ‘fashion products’, demand is very volatile and difficult to forecast.Index 3: Domestic Supply ConditionsProducers: About 86 cottage and small industries, including 25 knitting units, are actively operating 72 andcurrently 327 entrepreneurs are involved in the export of Pashmina products. 73Production Capacity: At present, almost all raw materials, including Pashmina and silk yarns and dyeingmaterials, are imported. The total capacity of the 86 industries is 2 million pieces of shawls and other itemsper year. According to producers, this capacity could easily be increased by 100 per cent within the next fiveyears. The factories in the organized sector have 2,000 looms and employ 5,000 weavers in Kathmandu,Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kavre, Makwanpur, and Chitwan districts. In addition, 20,000 households in and aroundKathmandu valley have one loom in each house and family members are capable of weaving shawls. 74Quality of Service: Entrepreneurs have gradually become more quality conscious and are interested inmodernizing weaving and in introducing new knitting technologies. Normally, 70 per cent of pure Pashminayarn and 30 per cent silk yarn are used in shawl production.Availability and Quality of Labour Force: Semi-skilled workers are readily available. Workers are trained onthe-job.Labour supply is not a serious problem should the production be expanded.Labour Cost and Overall Production Cost: Labour cost has increased slightly due to the recent inflationarypressure in the country. According to industry sources, the production cost is high compared to China andIndia.71MFN tariffs in the EU are 8-12 per cent for the relevant products. Data from Eurostat shows that 90-95 per cent of Nepalese exports enter theEU market duty-free under the GSP.72Nepal Pashmina Industries Association (NPIA). There are 160 members with NPIA that include industries, knitters as well as exporters.73Federation of Handicraft Association of Nepal, Handicraft Trade Directory, 2007-08.74International Trade Centre, Chyangra Cashmere and Silk Products from Nepal: Export Performance and Potential, 2007, p. 23.NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT81

N T I S2010Level of Processing Technology: Shawls are woven on handlooms or power looms using a blend of silk andPashmina yarns. Looms range from very small hand-held frames to large free-standing handlooms or powerlooms.Cost and Quality of Infrastructure: The overall cost of infrastructure is low. However, high costs of electricityand transport are reported to be a particular burden for producers.Efficiency of Domestic Supporting Industries: About 400 MT of Pashmina and 200 MT of silk yarn are requiredannually and imported from China and Mongolia. However, there are only two modern yarn dyeing plants.Further dyeing facilities would be needed by small weavers and knitters who do not have their own dyeingfacilities. Many small operators are selling grey Pashmina shawls to exporters for further dyeing, processing,and finishing depending on the buyers’ specific requirements.Domestic Demand: The domestic market for Pashmina shawls is about 10-20 per cent of the totalproduction.Business Environment: The quality of communication and air freight services are considered to be verygood.Government Initiatives and Donor Involvement: Pashmina is one of the priority export products identified inthe Government’s recent Commercial Policy 2009. The Government has already supported Nepal PashminaIndustries Association to arrange registration of ‘Chyangra Pashmina’ with a graphic trademark in majormarkets. 75 Other government policy initiatives include Pashmina goat farm development in potential districtsto establish a long-term source of raw materials, setting up of Pashmina yarn and product testing laboratoryfacilities, human resource development for production and marketing activities and design development. Inthe past, Asia Invest supported NPIA in organizing buyer-seller meetings, training and strengthening of theorganizational capacity.Prospect for Domestic Supply Conditions: Chyangra can survive at altitudes above 2,500 m. More than 35per cent of the country’s total land surface is mountainous and about 50 per cent of this surface is covered bysnow. This condition offers unique prospect for developing and commercializing Chyangra products in Nepal.About 12 per cent of land surface of the country is already covered by grass suitable for pasture. Moreover,further pastureland development in mountain areas is possible. 76 The main districts where Chyangra goatsare being raised are Mustang, Manang, Humla, Jumla, Mugu, and Dolpa. There is long-run prospect fordeveloping Pashmina as well as silk production within the country to assure a permanent source of qualityraw materials for export growth.Index 4: Socio-economic ImpactCurrent Employment and Job-Creation Prospect: It is estimated that currently 5,000 people are gettingfull employment from the Pashmina business in Nepal. According to producers, if a favourable businessenvironment prevails, Chyangra farming is started and external market demand is revived, the presentproduction can easily be doubled without much investment and efforts and, thereby, additional employmentcan be created for up to 5,000 people.75According to Nepal Pashmina Industries Association (NPIA), as of October 2009, applications for registration of collective trademark “ChyangraPashmina” has been already approved by the USA, Japan, Australia, and Norway. Applications submitted to Canada, Brazil, Mexico, EU,Switzerland, Russian Federation, and New Zealand are under serious consideration. Among the Asian countries applications are submitted toThailand, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Israel, Singapore, Japan, UAE, and Pakistan.76Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2004/05, Dec. 2005.82NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

N T I S2010Level <strong>of</strong> Processing Technology: Shawls are woven on handlooms or power looms using a blend <strong>of</strong> silk andPashmina yarns. Looms range from very small hand-held frames to large free-standing handlooms or powerlooms.Cost and Quality <strong>of</strong> Infrastructure: The overall cost <strong>of</strong> infrastructure is low. However, high costs <strong>of</strong> electricityand transport are reported to be a particular burden for producers.Efficiency <strong>of</strong> Domestic Supporting Industries: About 400 MT <strong>of</strong> Pashmina and 200 MT <strong>of</strong> silk yarn are requiredannually and imported from China and Mongolia. However, there are only two modern yarn dyeing plants.Further dyeing facilities would be needed by small weavers and knitters who do not have their own dyeingfacilities. Many small operators are selling grey Pashmina shawls to exporters for further dyeing, processing,and finishing depending on the buyers’ specific requirements.Domestic Demand: The domestic market for Pashmina shawls is about 10-20 per cent <strong>of</strong> the totalproduction.Business Environment: The quality <strong>of</strong> communication and air freight services are considered to be verygood.Government Initiatives and Donor Involvement: Pashmina is one <strong>of</strong> the priority export products identified inthe Government’s recent Commercial Policy 2009. The Government has already supported Nepal PashminaIndustries Association to arrange registration <strong>of</strong> ‘Chyangra Pashmina’ with a graphic trademark in majormarkets. 75 Other government policy initiatives include Pashmina goat farm development in potential districtsto establish a long-term source <strong>of</strong> raw materials, setting up <strong>of</strong> Pashmina yarn and product testing laboratoryfacilities, human resource development for production and marketing activities and design development. Inthe past, Asia Invest supported NPIA in organizing buyer-seller meetings, training and strengthening <strong>of</strong> theorganizational capacity.Prospect for Domestic Supply Conditions: Chyangra can survive at altitudes above 2,500 m. More than 35per cent <strong>of</strong> the country’s total land surface is mountainous and about 50 per cent <strong>of</strong> this surface is covered bysnow. This condition <strong>of</strong>fers unique prospect for developing and commercializing Chyangra products in Nepal.About 12 per cent <strong>of</strong> land surface <strong>of</strong> the country is already covered by grass suitable for pasture. Moreover,further pastureland development in mountain areas is possible. 76 The main districts where Chyangra goatsare being raised are Mustang, Manang, Humla, Jumla, Mugu, and Dolpa. There is long-run prospect fordeveloping Pashmina as well as silk production within the country to assure a permanent source <strong>of</strong> qualityraw materials for export growth.Index 4: Socio-economic ImpactCurrent Employment and Job-Creation Prospect: It is estimated that currently 5,000 people are gettingfull employment from the Pashmina business in Nepal. According to producers, if a favourable businessenvironment prevails, Chyangra farming is started and external market demand is revived, the presentproduction can easily be doubled without much investment and efforts and, thereby, additional employmentcan be created for up to 5,000 people.75According to Nepal Pashmina Industries Association (NPIA), as <strong>of</strong> October 2009, applications for registration <strong>of</strong> collective trademark “ChyangraPashmina” has been already approved by the USA, Japan, Australia, and Norway. Applications submitted to Canada, Brazil, Mexico, EU,Switzerland, Russian Federation, and New Zealand are under serious consideration. Among the Asian countries applications are submitted toThailand, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan), Israel, Singapore, Japan, UAE, and Pakistan.76<strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Cooperatives, Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 2004/05, Dec. 2005.82NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

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