Ministry of Commerce And Supplies - Enhanced Integrated ...

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Table 4.1 Chinese Imports from LDCs in US$ Million in 2005 139Table 5.1 Change in FDI Stock in Nepal, 2003-08 148Table 5.2 Ease of Doing Business in Nepal, 2009 and 2010 152Table 5.3 Employing Workers Indicators: Nepal, South Asia, OECD Average, 2010 153Table 5.4 Effectiveness of Investment Promotion Intermediaries: Nepal compared to South Asiaaverage and best in the world 155Table 6.1 Trading Across Borders from Nepal, 2010 162Table 6.2 Enabling Trade Facilitation Environment in Nepal, 2007 162Table 6.3 Decrease in the Number of Days Required for Exports andImports, 2005, 2007, 2009 163Table 7.1 Nepal Standards Adopted by the Nepal Standard Council (NSC) 172Table 7.2 Technical Regulations for Food Products in Nepal (2) 173Table 7.3 Activities of Current Donor-funded Projects 176Table 7.4 General Status of Government Laboratories and Upgrading Process 177Table 7.5 Current Status of Accreditation of Major Government and Private Laboratories 179Table 7.6 System Certified Nepalese Organizations in 2006 (16) 179Table 7.7 Packaging Materials Used for Export Products from Nepal 181Table 7.8 Existing Nepal Standards for Packaging 182Table 7.9 Standards Issues for Ten Export Potentials 184Table 8.1 Exports of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS)-sensitive Foods from Nepal,2007/08 and 2008/09 (in US$1,000) 187Table 8.2 Pattern of Trade of Nepalese Exports to Main Regions of the World in 2007/08 188Table 8.3 Selected Recent SPS-related Bans on Agricultural Exports from Nepal 189Table 8.4 Summary of Export Environment for Selected SPS Sensitive ExportPotentials from Nepal 206Table 9.1 Possible IP Vehicles for 19 Export Potentials 212Table 10.1 Nepal’s Trade in Services Balance, 2000/01-2007/08 (in Rs. Million) 215Table 10.2 Nepal GATS Commitments in Computer and Related Services 219Table 12.1 Implementation of the Five Paris Principles on Aid Effectiveness in Nepal, 2007 241Table 12.2 Capacity Needs of the NIU and Network of Focal Points (‘Extended’ NIU) 247Appendix TablesTable A1.1 2008 Export Values of the 19 Export Potentials 296Table A2.1 Overview Table Attractive Markets 298Table A2.2 HS-6 for Individual Goods Export Potentials 300Table A3.1 Updated Legislative Action Plan for SPS, January 2010 301Table A4.1 Prioritization of Food Hazard Compliance for Trade Facilitation in Nepal 303vii

List of BoxesBox 2.1 A Nepalese IT success story 100Box 2.2 Medical Colleges in Nepal: Who trades what with whom? 112Box 2.3 ADF and WELINK: Two examples of engineering services exporters 114Box 2.4 Hydropower in Bhutan and Switzerland 121Appendix BoxBox A1.1 Composite Indicators 294List of FiguresFigure 2.1 Production and Official Exports of Lentils 1990-2008 42Figure 2.2 Tea Production, Imports and Exports 1973-2008 46Figure 2.3 Tea Prices on World Markets 47Figure 2.4 Tourist Arrivals 1980-2009 90Figure 2.5 Monthly Remittances for Nepal 96Figure 2.6 Current and Projected GDP Growth Rates for Major Host Countries 97Figure 2.7 Exports from India and China to Each Other’s Country 122Figure 2.8 India-China Land Corridor 123Figure 7.1 Future Organogram for Accreditation and Standards and Metrology 170Figure 8.1 Structure of SPS Enquiry Points in Nepal 189Figure 12.1 Possible Linkages between NTIS Technical Committees and NBF Working Group 249Figure 12.2 Cambodia NIAs 250Figure 12.3 Lao PDR NIAs 251Figure 12.4 Tanzania NIAs 251viii

List <strong>of</strong> BoxesBox 2.1 A Nepalese IT success story 100Box 2.2 Medical Colleges in Nepal: Who trades what with whom? 112Box 2.3 ADF and WELINK: Two examples <strong>of</strong> engineering services exporters 114Box 2.4 Hydropower in Bhutan and Switzerland 121Appendix BoxBox A1.1 Composite Indicators 294List <strong>of</strong> FiguresFigure 2.1 Production and Official Exports <strong>of</strong> Lentils 1990-2008 42Figure 2.2 Tea Production, Imports and Exports 1973-2008 46Figure 2.3 Tea Prices on World Markets 47Figure 2.4 Tourist Arrivals 1980-2009 90Figure 2.5 Monthly Remittances for Nepal 96Figure 2.6 Current and Projected GDP Growth Rates for Major Host Countries 97Figure 2.7 Exports from India and China to Each Other’s Country 122Figure 2.8 India-China Land Corridor 123Figure 7.1 Future Organogram for Accreditation and Standards and Metrology 170Figure 8.1 Structure <strong>of</strong> SPS Enquiry Points in Nepal 189Figure 12.1 Possible Linkages between NTIS Technical Committees and NBF Working Group 249Figure 12.2 Cambodia NIAs 250Figure 12.3 Lao PDR NIAs 251Figure 12.4 Tanzania NIAs 251viii

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