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Appendix 5Malaysia GAP (Skim Amalam Ladang Baik Malaysia):A Possible Option for Nepal?N T I S2010Malaysia operates the Malaysian Farm Certification Scheme for Good Agricultural Practice (Skim AmalamLadang Baik Malaysia). This is a Department of Agriculture (DoA) initiative and is a simplified version ofGLOBALGAP. The cost of SALM accreditation is limited as the certification process is free, the inputs of theDoA staff as advisors are free and the requirement for an annual residue test on the crop is also free. Atpresent, the scheme is voluntary and as yet there is little request by customers for growers to implement thisstandard. Thus far, there are approximately 1,000 growers who have requested for SALM certification, butonly 200 have been certified (2008 data).In order to speed up the uptake of SALM it was recommended that: To train all of extension field staff to have a full understanding of the requirements of SALM, as theyshould be the major vehicle for training and maintaining GAP standards on the ground; To include in the extension officers’ job description a function of monitoring growers to ensure that thegrowers maintain the SALM certification requirements (checks on spray records, etc); To consider providing standard pesticide store designs, for adoption by growers. These designs shouldspecify the layout, design features, and materials to enable growers to understand the requirement ofan acceptable pesticide store that meets the SALM standard.There is significant discussion in the Malaysian DoA about the ways of getting more farmers to adopt SALM.The discussion ranges from making the SALM a legal requirement, promoting the scheme more widely throughadvertising and promotion, to offering financial incentives such as a premium price and/or supply contract.NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT307

N T I S2010Appendix 6GAP Requirements for Smallholder FarmersOrganized in Producer GroupsIn the context of agricultural product in Nepal, GAP certification of individual smallholders can be feasibleonly in the context of producer groups that carry out crop production and marketing cooperatively. For suchgroups the following structure and systems need to be in place in order to achieve GAP certification.A. Quality ManagementThe producer group must have a structure that enables the application of a robust Quality ManagementSystem (QMS) across the whole group. This must demonstrably ensure through audits that the group’sregistered producer members/production locations comply in a uniform manner with the required GAPs andare each separately legally responsible for their respective production locations. The entire crop must beregistered for certification.The producer group or cooperative must be a documented legal entity with the legal right to carry outagricultural production and/or trading, and be able to legally contract with and represent the group members.There should be direct responsibility over the production, handling and ownership of the products, thusbeing responsible for the compliance with the GAPs as well as holding the contractual relationship with thecertification entity. The producer group must have a documented relationship between the producers andthe legal entity (signed contracts identifying the producer, production locations, commitment to comply withGAPs and the group’s documented procedures, policies, and, where provided, technical advice).A register has to be maintained of all member producers and of all the applicable sites used for GAPsproduction. This must include names, contact details, registered products, growing/ production area and/orquantity for each registered product.B. Management and OrganizationThe producer group must have a documented management structure and sufficient suitably trained resourcesto effectively ensure that the registered producers meet the required GAPs. This must include documentationof those in the management structure responsible for technical compliance.C. Competency and Staff TrainingAll personnel with responsibility for compliance with GAPs have to be adequately trained and meet definedcompetency requirements. These competency requirements, training, and qualifications should meet thedefined competency requirements and records of qualifications and training have to be maintained for allkey staff (managers, auditors, inspectors, etc) involved in GAPs compliance. Internal auditors and inspectorsneed to undergo training and evaluation, e.g. by documented shadow audits, to ensure consistency in theirapproach and interpretation of the standards. A system must be in place to demonstrate that key staff isinformed and aware of the developments, issues, and legislative changes relevant to the compliance withGAPs.D. Quality ManualThe operating and Quality Management Systems (QMS) related to GAPs need to be standard documentsand contained in a quality manual. Policies and procedures must be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate thegroup’s control of the principal requirements of GAPs and must be available to the registered members ofthe producer group as well as key staff. The contents of the quality manual must be reviewed periodically toensure that they continue GAPs standards and those of the producer group.308NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

N T I S2010Appendix 6GAP Requirements for Smallholder FarmersOrganized in Producer GroupsIn the context <strong>of</strong> agricultural product in Nepal, GAP certification <strong>of</strong> individual smallholders can be feasibleonly in the context <strong>of</strong> producer groups that carry out crop production and marketing cooperatively. For suchgroups the following structure and systems need to be in place in order to achieve GAP certification.A. Quality ManagementThe producer group must have a structure that enables the application <strong>of</strong> a robust Quality ManagementSystem (QMS) across the whole group. This must demonstrably ensure through audits that the group’sregistered producer members/production locations comply in a uniform manner with the required GAPs andare each separately legally responsible for their respective production locations. The entire crop must beregistered for certification.The producer group or cooperative must be a documented legal entity with the legal right to carry outagricultural production and/or trading, and be able to legally contract with and represent the group members.There should be direct responsibility over the production, handling and ownership <strong>of</strong> the products, thusbeing responsible for the compliance with the GAPs as well as holding the contractual relationship with thecertification entity. The producer group must have a documented relationship between the producers andthe legal entity (signed contracts identifying the producer, production locations, commitment to comply withGAPs and the group’s documented procedures, policies, and, where provided, technical advice).A register has to be maintained <strong>of</strong> all member producers and <strong>of</strong> all the applicable sites used for GAPsproduction. This must include names, contact details, registered products, growing/ production area and/orquantity for each registered product.B. Management and OrganizationThe producer group must have a documented management structure and sufficient suitably trained resourcesto effectively ensure that the registered producers meet the required GAPs. This must include documentation<strong>of</strong> those in the management structure responsible for technical compliance.C. Competency and Staff TrainingAll personnel with responsibility for compliance with GAPs have to be adequately trained and meet definedcompetency requirements. These competency requirements, training, and qualifications should meet thedefined competency requirements and records <strong>of</strong> qualifications and training have to be maintained for allkey staff (managers, auditors, inspectors, etc) involved in GAPs compliance. Internal auditors and inspectorsneed to undergo training and evaluation, e.g. by documented shadow audits, to ensure consistency in theirapproach and interpretation <strong>of</strong> the standards. A system must be in place to demonstrate that key staff isinformed and aware <strong>of</strong> the developments, issues, and legislative changes relevant to the compliance withGAPs.D. Quality ManualThe operating and Quality Management Systems (QMS) related to GAPs need to be standard documentsand contained in a quality manual. Policies and procedures must be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate thegroup’s control <strong>of</strong> the principal requirements <strong>of</strong> GAPs and must be available to the registered members <strong>of</strong>the producer group as well as key staff. The contents <strong>of</strong> the quality manual must be reviewed periodically toensure that they continue GAPs standards and those <strong>of</strong> the producer group.308NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

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