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Appendix 2Market Attractiveness IndexN T I S2010Using ITC’s database of trade flows and tariffs for practically all countries around the world, we rank all exportmarkets for each product separately along the following criteria:• The size of the market, measured by imports for the particular product (weight 30 per cent)• The dynamism of the market, as measured by growth rates, difference between growth rates for theparticular market and world average and absolute growth (weight 50 per cent).• The market access conditions (openness), as measured by the ad valorem equivalent tariff appliedto imports from Nepal and the difference between the tariffs applied to Nepal and to its five largestcompetitors in the particular market (weight 20 per cent).*Even though a lot of other, more specific factors play an important role in identifying potential export markets,which is something that has to be done primarily by the individual exporter or supporting agencies, the indexcan give an idea about whether there exist promising markets to which Nepal does not export yet. There arealso several markets to which Nepal exports indirectly via India and to which more direct exports could be apromising option for Nepalese exporters. This is for example the case for cardamom.Detailed results for each sector are presented in the individual industry factsheets (see next section). Both aweighted ranking is shown and rankings according to individual indicators (size, dynamism, openness) and thecurrent export markets.World trade data, on which the identification of attractive markets is essentially based, does not always allowus to identify the actual trade flows of the underlying product which Nepal exports. For two products (largecardamom and instant noodles) other sources were used that allow distinguishing between different products(large versus small cardamom or instant noodles versus other pasta products). This is explained in detail in theindustry factsheets. For services, different approaches were used depending on the available data. The maincompetitors (only defined for goods sectors) are the main other exporters to the markets defined as the mostattractive ones, or the main exporters on the world market, where such information was not available.No attractive markets were identified for IT services, health services and hydropower. The following tableshows a summary for all sectors except these three.* It should be noted that the index can be higher for a country A than for a country B, even though both apply the same tariffs to imports (e.g.because A and B are members of a customs union). This is the case because A and B may import from different countries, to which the customsunion applies different tariffs. If, for example, Spain imports mostly from China (high tariff), and France mostly from Italy (zero tariff), then theresulting index for Spain and France will be different, even though both belong to a customs union.NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT297

N T I S2010Table A2.1Overview Table Attractive MarketsAttractive markets for Agro-FoodRank 1) Cardamom 2) Ginger 3) Honey 4) Lentils 5) Tea6) Instantnoodles7) HandmadePaper1 Pakistan India UK Turkey Egypt China Denmark2 Saudi Arabia Pakistan France UAE UAE Indonesia Canada3 UAE Bangladesh Japan Sri Lanka Russia Japan Netherlands4 UK USA USA Algeria USA USA Saudi Arabia5 USA Netherlands Germany Iran UK Vietnam Nigeria6 Malaysia UK Belgium Egypt Iran Korea (South) India7 Japan Malaysia Poland Saudi Arabia Pakistan Philippines Qatar8 South Africa Germany Australia Spain Germany Thailand Egypt9 Kuwait Yemen Saudi Arabia UK Kazakhstan Russia Japan10 Oman Viet Nam Slovakia Pakistan Australia India MaltaMain competitors for Agro-Food1 India China Argentina Canada Kenya n/a (products are too2 Thailand China Australia Indiaheterogenous to allow3 Indonesia Germany Turkey Sri Lanka identifying main competitors)Attractive markets for Craft and Industrial GoodsRank8-1) MPEO - 8-2) MPEO - 9) Silver 10) Iron and12) Wool11) PashminaMedical herbs Essential oils jewellery steel productsproducts1 USA Singapore Hong Kong (S.) Germany UK Germany2 France Switzerland USA Belgium Germany France3 Germany India Germany Poland Spain UK4 Viet Nam France UK India France Italy5 Singapore Germany France UAE Hong Kong (S.) Spain6 Japan USA Denmark UK USA Japan7 Italy UK Australia Thailand Italy Canada8 Russia Japan Spain France Japan Belgium9 Belgium China Netherlands Italy China USA10 Korea (South) Mexico Canada Sweden Switzerland Hong Kong (S.)Main competitors for Agro-Food1 India Indonesia China EU Italy China2 China China Thailand China China Italy3 France Italy Korea India France298NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

N T I S2010Table A2.1Overview Table Attractive MarketsAttractive markets for Agro-FoodRank 1) Cardamom 2) Ginger 3) Honey 4) Lentils 5) Tea6) Instantnoodles7) HandmadePaper1 Pakistan India UK Turkey Egypt China Denmark2 Saudi Arabia Pakistan France UAE UAE Indonesia Canada3 UAE Bangladesh Japan Sri Lanka Russia Japan Netherlands4 UK USA USA Algeria USA USA Saudi Arabia5 USA Netherlands Germany Iran UK Vietnam Nigeria6 Malaysia UK Belgium Egypt Iran Korea (South) India7 Japan Malaysia Poland Saudi Arabia Pakistan Philippines Qatar8 South Africa Germany Australia Spain Germany Thailand Egypt9 Kuwait Yemen Saudi Arabia UK Kazakhstan Russia Japan10 Oman Viet Nam Slovakia Pakistan Australia India MaltaMain competitors for Agro-Food1 India China Argentina Canada Kenya n/a (products are too2 Thailand China Australia Indiaheterogenous to allow3 Indonesia Germany Turkey Sri Lanka identifying main competitors)Attractive markets for Craft and Industrial GoodsRank8-1) MPEO - 8-2) MPEO - 9) Silver 10) Iron and12) Wool11) PashminaMedical herbs Essential oils jewellery steel productsproducts1 USA Singapore Hong Kong (S.) Germany UK Germany2 France Switzerland USA Belgium Germany France3 Germany India Germany Poland Spain UK4 Viet Nam France UK India France Italy5 Singapore Germany France UAE Hong Kong (S.) Spain6 Japan USA Denmark UK USA Japan7 Italy UK Australia Thailand Italy Canada8 Russia Japan Spain France Japan Belgium9 Belgium China Netherlands Italy China USA10 Korea (South) Mexico Canada Sweden Switzerland Hong Kong (S.)Main competitors for Agro-Food1 India Indonesia China EU Italy China2 China China Thailand China China Italy3 France Italy Korea India France298NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

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