Ministry of Commerce And Supplies - Enhanced Integrated ...

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N T I S2010MainOutcomes Recommended Actions National Partner(s)RequirementsPolicyAnd RegulatoryDevelopment/ReformInstitutionalStrengthening/DevelopmentTAPossibleTimeframeRecent orCurrent TAObjective 2: Strengthen the technical capacity of domestic NTB and other business environment supportive institutions• Accreditation of several ISO 9000, ISO 14000, SA 8000 certifi ers,including possibly NBSM; review/address possible confl icts withstandard setting role of NBSMNBSM, otherNGO or privateorganizationsYes Yes 5 yearsEU/UNIDOandESCAPproject;WB; ADB• Accreditation of several HACCP and ISO 22000 certifi ers,including possibly DFTQC; review/address possible confl icts withstandard setting role of DFTQCDFTQC, otherNGO or privateorganizationsYes Yes 5 yearsEU/UNIDOandESCAPproject;WB; ADBSanitary andPhytosanitaryMeasures• Adopt Regulations under the new Plant Protection Act 2007 MOAC/PPD Yes Yes• Amend current Food Act 1966MOAC/PPD/DFTQCJustcompletedYes Yes 2 years FAO• Review Animal Health and Livestock Act 1998 and NepalVeterinary Council Act B.S.2055 (2000)DOLS Yes Yes 2 years OIE• Review Pesticides Act 1991 and Pesticides Rules B.S.2050 (1994)to ensure that crop protection comply with changing and moststringent MRL requirements of trading partnersMOAC/PPD/DFTQCYes Yes 2 yearsFAO +WHO(CODEX)• Strengthen WTO SPS Enquiry Point, including up-to-date website,staffi ng and procedures to answer queries, etc.MOAC/PPD/DFTQCYes Yes 2 yearsFAO +WHO(CODEX)• Launch internationally acceptable traceability systems based onGAP certifi cation run through TPC. Could be launched initially fortea, lentils, cardamom, and gingerPPP involvingspecializedNGOs, privatesector andfarmers, MoAC/DFTQCYes Yes Yes 2 years• Consolidate SPS focal points (currently spread among DFTQC,PPD, DoLA, MoFSC) in a newly created biosafety agency withspecialized staff outside traditional public servant staff rotationsystemDFTQC, PPD,DOLA, MOFSCYes Yes Yes 2 years FAO• Launch efforts to promote enabling environment for foodproduction and processing with focus on: clean air, potable water,proper treatment and disposal of soiled water and solid wastePartnershipbetween MoAC,MoH, NGOsYes Yes Yes 5 years WHONEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT263

MainOutcomes Recommended Actions National Partner(s)RequirementsPolicyAnd RegulatoryDevelopment/ReformInstitutionalStrengthening/DevelopmentTAPossibleTimeframeObjective 2: Strengthen the technical capacity of domestic NTB and other business environment supportive institutionsIntellectualProperty• Amend (or legislate new) Industrial Property Act to includecollective and certifi cation marks and to comply with WTO TRIPSAgreementMOI, MOCS Yes Yes 2 years• Legislate Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Geographical Indication(GI) lawsMOI Yes Yes 2 years• Strengthen capacity of current intellectual property offi ces,including training of staff, and equipment. Develop relevantregistration databasesMoI, Ministryof FAPACA &CultureYes Yes 2 years• Launch awareness campaigns among businesses on the useof intellectual property protection as a competitive advantage,including among exporters in NTIS export potential sectorsMoI, Ministryof FACAPA &CultureYes Yes 2 years• Establish GIs for several export commodities MoI, MoAC Yes Yes 2 years• Establish an intellectual property training institute to train users,regulators, creators, judges, lawyers, and all who work on IPissuesMOI Yes Yes 5 years• Consolidate all intellectual property and copyright matters inan intellectual property agency with specialized staff outsidetraditional public servant staff rotation systemMoI, Ministryof FACAPA &CultureYes Yes Yes 5 yearsServiceSectorsEnvironment(cross-cutting)• Establish a ‘champion’ institution to promote Nepalese serviceexports (current WTO Service Enquiry Point weak; TEPC focuseson goods; 17 uncoordinated agencies responsible for services)• Carry out detailed review of domestic laws and regulationspertinent to individual service sectors and their impact on serviceexportsMoCS andconcernedMinistriesMoCS andconcernedMinistriesYes 2 yearsYes Yes 2 years• Modify current restrictions on foreign exchange imposed onNepalese residents ($2,000)MoF, NepalRastra BankYes 1 year• Formulate regulations for full enforcement of theTelecommunications Act to heighten competition (and lower cost)of high band-width internetMOIC, NTA Yes Yes 2 years• Improve government statistical instruments to measure, forecastand monitor contribution of services and services exports toNepalese economyCBSNepal RastraBankYes Yes 5 years• Upgrade airport infrastructure, including at TIA MOTCA, CAAN Yes Yes 5 yearsRecent orCurrent TAN T I S2010264NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

N T I S2010MainOutcomes Recommended Actions National Partner(s)RequirementsPolicy<strong>And</strong> RegulatoryDevelopment/ReformInstitutionalStrengthening/DevelopmentTAPossibleTimeframeRecent orCurrent TAObjective 2: Strengthen the technical capacity <strong>of</strong> domestic NTB and other business environment supportive institutions• Accreditation <strong>of</strong> several ISO 9000, ISO 14000, SA 8000 certifi ers,including possibly NBSM; review/address possible confl icts withstandard setting role <strong>of</strong> NBSMNBSM, otherNGO or privateorganizationsYes Yes 5 yearsEU/UNIDOandESCAPproject;WB; ADB• Accreditation <strong>of</strong> several HACCP and ISO 22000 certifi ers,including possibly DFTQC; review/address possible confl icts withstandard setting role <strong>of</strong> DFTQCDFTQC, otherNGO or privateorganizationsYes Yes 5 yearsEU/UNIDOandESCAPproject;WB; ADBSanitary andPhytosanitaryMeasures• Adopt Regulations under the new Plant Protection Act 2007 MOAC/PPD Yes Yes• Amend current Food Act 1966MOAC/PPD/DFTQCJustcompletedYes Yes 2 years FAO• Review Animal Health and Livestock Act 1998 and NepalVeterinary Council Act B.S.2055 (2000)DOLS Yes Yes 2 years OIE• Review Pesticides Act 1991 and Pesticides Rules B.S.2050 (1994)to ensure that crop protection comply with changing and moststringent MRL requirements <strong>of</strong> trading partnersMOAC/PPD/DFTQCYes Yes 2 yearsFAO +WHO(CODEX)• Strengthen WTO SPS Enquiry Point, including up-to-date website,staffi ng and procedures to answer queries, etc.MOAC/PPD/DFTQCYes Yes 2 yearsFAO +WHO(CODEX)• Launch internationally acceptable traceability systems based onGAP certifi cation run through TPC. Could be launched initially fortea, lentils, cardamom, and gingerPPP involvingspecializedNGOs, privatesector andfarmers, MoAC/DFTQCYes Yes Yes 2 years• Consolidate SPS focal points (currently spread among DFTQC,PPD, DoLA, MoFSC) in a newly created biosafety agency withspecialized staff outside traditional public servant staff rotationsystemDFTQC, PPD,DOLA, MOFSCYes Yes Yes 2 years FAO• Launch efforts to promote enabling environment for foodproduction and processing with focus on: clean air, potable water,proper treatment and disposal <strong>of</strong> soiled water and solid wastePartnershipbetween MoAC,MoH, NGOsYes Yes Yes 5 years WHONEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT263

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