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N T I S20107.7 WTO/TBT Enquiry PointsAs a complement to the notification obligation, each WTO Member must set up a national enquiry point. Thisacts as a focal point where other WTO Members can request for and obtain information and documentationon a Member’s technical regulations, standards and test procedures, whether impending or adopted, as wellas on participation in bilateral or multilateral standards-related agreements, regional standardizing bodies,and conformity assessment systems. Such enquiry point is also important in acquiring information fromother Members’ enquiry points on regulations and standards affecting products that are export potentials forNepal.Even before getting accession to the WTO, the then MoICS established in June 2003 an enquiry point underthe Technical Service/TBT section of the NBSM responsible for the following functions: Answer enquiries about specific Nepalese products or groups of products; Answer enquiries concerning membership and participation in regional and internationalmeetings; Provide information on standards and technical regulation in Nepal, conformity assessmentprocedure relating to product certification, management system certification, laboratorytesting, standards developed by the NBSM and other agencies.The TBT enquiry point is expected to provide information to exporters and manufacturers on the subjectsrelated to foreign technical regulations and standards of the products of their trade interest. However, thecurrent capacity of the enquiry point falls far short of fulfilling these functions. Although the TBT has takenthe lead to prepare WTO notifications in the past, apparently the national notification authority has taken noaction on any of them. So far, there are no Nepalese notifications.The linkages between the TBT enquiry point and industry are not well established. However, there is growingrecognition of the importance of this information channel. In the National Commerce Policy, introducedin 2009, the GoN has committed itself to strengthening the TBT enquiry point. 10 At present, the MoCS isresponsible for the TBT enquiry point.7.8 Current Technical Assistance ProjectsVarious bilateral and multilateral donor agencies (from India, Norway, Japan, EU, and FAO) have providedtechnical and financial support in the past to key institutions like the NBSM and the DFTQC. 11, 12, 13, 14 Currently,several projects are underway focusing on legal reforms and capacity enhancement to comply with the TBT/SPS Agreement requirements.10MOCS, 2009: Commerce Policy 2065 Published by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu,200911EC-Nepal WTO Project, 2009a: EC-Nepal WTO Assistance Program: Revisit of Indicative Timeline by NBSM/DFTQC as per decision of TechnicalCommittee Meeting – Submitted to Programme Steering Committee Meeting, 30 July 2009 (Amended based on stakeholder comments anddiscussion, 20 August 2009) Annex II. - Indicative Timeline (20 August 2009)12EC-Nepal WTO Project, 2009b: EC-Nepal WTO Assistance Program Technical Committee Meeting Minute, June 18, 200913Goonatilake, L., 2007: Session 3: “SMEs Overcoming Supply Side Constraints” Workshop on Private Sector and Aid for Trade ,18 September,2007, MANILA14Padickakudi, O., 2008 :UNIDO activities in support of conformity assessment, ISO Regional Workshop on Conformity Assessment, ConformityAssessment Supporting Development and Trade ,12–13 June 2008, Kiev, UkraineNEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT175

N T I S2010The current projects include: SARRC Regional SMTQ Project Phase II (Norway-funded; implemented by UNIDO and GoN) -- 2007-10 EC-Nepal WTO Assistance Programme (EU-funded; implemented by GoN, UNIDO, ESCAP, andPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt [PTB] Germany) -- 2008-11 Project for Agriculture Commercialization and Trade, PACT (World Bank-funded) -- 2009-15The key activities under those projects are highlighted in Table 7.3.DonorSAARC RegionalSMTQ ProjectPhase IINorway: 2007-10(Implementingpartners: UNIDOand GoN)Table 7.3Activities of Current Donor-funded ProjectsActivitiesPhase II 26/1/2010UNIDO TCB Programmes (TA combining Supply-side andConformity) Regional Programme: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, NepalMarket Access and Trade Facilitation Support for South Asian LDCs throughStrengthening Institutional and National Capacities Related to Standards,Metrology, Testing and Quality (SMTQ) Phase IIØ Product certifi cation system of NBSM complies with ISO Guide 65 and isaccreditedØ Textile Laboratory of NBSM accreditedØ Food laboratory of the DFTQC strengthened and accreditedØ Auditors trained in ISO 22000 Food Safety Management SystemØ Management System Certifi cation Body accreditedEC-Nepal-WTOAssistanceprogramme(Implementingpartners: PTBGermany/NBSM)2008-11 (Part A)EC-Nepal-WTOAssistanceprogramme(Implementingpartners: UNIDO,ESCAP, NBSM andDFTQC)2008-10(PART B)World BankProject forAgricultureCommercialisationand Trade(PACT); 2009-15(Implementingpartner: MOAC)1. The metrological basic structure of the NBSM shall be strengthened, withthe aim of improving its technical competence and national and internationalrecognition2. A national system for inter-comparison measurements shall be set up within thescope of the project1. Identifi cation of products facing TBT/SPS conformity problems, awarenesscreation about TBT/SPS, and strategy formulation2. Strengthening NBSM to become effective standards body and strengthenDTFQC for mandatory food standards development and harmonization3. NBSM metrology capacity and traceability improved and accredited4. Accredited laboratories for textile/apparel, leather, and agro/food exports5. Establishing accreditation capacity6. NBSM/DFTQC/FNCCI developed as ISO 9000, 14000, HACCP and SA8000certifi er7. Operational TBT Enquiry PointComponent 2; Implementing agency: DFTQCSupport for SPS Facilities and Food Quality Standards1.Food quality and safety enhancing activities, including SPS, through improvinglaboratory facilities and certifi cation capabilities2.Technical assistance and capacity-building measures to meet food safety andquality standards176NEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT

N T I S20107.7 WTO/TBT Enquiry PointsAs a complement to the notification obligation, each WTO Member must set up a national enquiry point. Thisacts as a focal point where other WTO Members can request for and obtain information and documentationon a Member’s technical regulations, standards and test procedures, whether impending or adopted, as wellas on participation in bilateral or multilateral standards-related agreements, regional standardizing bodies,and conformity assessment systems. Such enquiry point is also important in acquiring information fromother Members’ enquiry points on regulations and standards affecting products that are export potentials forNepal.Even before getting accession to the WTO, the then MoICS established in June 2003 an enquiry point underthe Technical Service/TBT section <strong>of</strong> the NBSM responsible for the following functions: Answer enquiries about specific Nepalese products or groups <strong>of</strong> products; Answer enquiries concerning membership and participation in regional and internationalmeetings; Provide information on standards and technical regulation in Nepal, conformity assessmentprocedure relating to product certification, management system certification, laboratorytesting, standards developed by the NBSM and other agencies.The TBT enquiry point is expected to provide information to exporters and manufacturers on the subjectsrelated to foreign technical regulations and standards <strong>of</strong> the products <strong>of</strong> their trade interest. However, thecurrent capacity <strong>of</strong> the enquiry point falls far short <strong>of</strong> fulfilling these functions. Although the TBT has takenthe lead to prepare WTO notifications in the past, apparently the national notification authority has taken noaction on any <strong>of</strong> them. So far, there are no Nepalese notifications.The linkages between the TBT enquiry point and industry are not well established. However, there is growingrecognition <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> this information channel. In the National <strong>Commerce</strong> Policy, introducedin 2009, the GoN has committed itself to strengthening the TBT enquiry point. 10 At present, the MoCS isresponsible for the TBT enquiry point.7.8 Current Technical Assistance ProjectsVarious bilateral and multilateral donor agencies (from India, Norway, Japan, EU, and FAO) have providedtechnical and financial support in the past to key institutions like the NBSM and the DFTQC. 11, 12, 13, 14 Currently,several projects are underway focusing on legal reforms and capacity enhancement to comply with the TBT/SPS Agreement requirements.10MOCS, 2009: <strong>Commerce</strong> Policy 2065 Published by Government <strong>of</strong> Nepal, <strong>Ministry</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Commerce</strong> and <strong>Supplies</strong>, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu,200911EC-Nepal WTO Project, 2009a: EC-Nepal WTO Assistance Program: Revisit <strong>of</strong> Indicative Timeline by NBSM/DFTQC as per decision <strong>of</strong> TechnicalCommittee Meeting – Submitted to Programme Steering Committee Meeting, 30 July 2009 (Amended based on stakeholder comments anddiscussion, 20 August 2009) Annex II. - Indicative Timeline (20 August 2009)12EC-Nepal WTO Project, 2009b: EC-Nepal WTO Assistance Program Technical Committee Meeting Minute, June 18, 200913Goonatilake, L., 2007: Session 3: “SMEs Overcoming Supply Side Constraints” Workshop on Private Sector and Aid for Trade ,18 September,2007, MANILA14Padickakudi, O., 2008 :UNIDO activities in support <strong>of</strong> conformity assessment, ISO Regional Workshop on Conformity Assessment, ConformityAssessment Supporting Development and Trade ,12–13 June 2008, Kiev, UkraineNEPAL TRADE INTEGRATION STRATEGY 2010BACKGROUND REPORT175

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