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STATE OF CONSERVATION ANDFACTORS AFFECTING THE PROPERTYoConservation MeasuresINTACH (Indian National Trust for Art andCultural <strong>Heritage</strong>) in 2001 had identified 235heritage structures in Shahjahanabad andthere is a recent attempt to add another 700odd structures to that list. The list includesmajor gates leading into the city; gatesdefining the residential quarters; havelis andother typologies of residences; mosques,temples, churches and other religiousstructures; parts of the city wall andinstitutional buildings.St. James ChurchAlso, there has been significant and sustainedinvestment in the repair, restoration for individual buildings as well as conservation of the stillsurviving spatial systems within the proposed World <strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Some of the restoration projectshave been entirely privately funded, mainly for privately owned havelis and residences, whereinresidents continue to maintain their residences like the Naughara quarter in Kinari bazaar area.Other restoration work has been the result of initiatives by a variety of public organisations such asMunicipal Corporation of <strong>Delhi</strong> (MCD), Shahjahanabad Redevelopment Corporation (SRDC), <strong>Delhi</strong>Development Authority (DDA), State Department of Archaeology (SDA) and the ArchaeologicalSurvey of India (ASI). Identifying the various heritage structures through a listing process by INTACHhas led to the protection by MCD of 22 Grade I structures, 143 Grade II structures and 38 Grade IIIstructures. One of the most catalytic and refurbishment schemes proposed is that pertaining to theChandni Chowk. This includes proposals in managing the traffic in and around Chandni Chowk. Inaddition there are proposals by the MCD to manage the traffic in the whole of Shahjahanabadthrough strategically placed parking lots. The Municipal Corporation of <strong>Delhi</strong> has prepared a schemeto partly pedestrianise the Chandni Chowk and restore partially the urban character and streetscapeexperience. The scheme envisages a traffic management plan, which restricts the vehicular trafficalong one lane and pedestrianises the other half. Also, SRDC has just launched a project inNovember 2011 to remove the visual chaos caused by the wires and overhead cables in the entirearea, by concealing them in subterranean ducts.<strong>Delhi</strong> gate and Ajmeri gate are protected structures under the ASI and are in a good state ofconservation with regular upkeep. Turkman gate is protected by the State Department ofArchaeology and has recently been restored by the <strong>Delhi</strong>Chapter INTACH in 2010. The Red Fort is protected by theASI and therefore in a good condition. Also, there is aComprehensive Conservation Management plan preparedby ASI in 2005 which is being implemented to conserve theRed Fort with all its layers of history. Many of thesetemples still survive and are protected by the templetrusts or the community collectively and as living templesthey are well maintained and restored periodically.Gurudwara Sis ganj as a memorial site to Guru TeghBahadur is also maintained by the SGPC. St. James Church Naughara Quarter, Kinari Bazaarhas also been restored by INTACH, <strong>Delhi</strong> Chapter.7/31/2012 Medieval and Colonial Capital cities of <strong>Delhi</strong> 6

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