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Medieval and Colonial Capital Cities of <strong>Delhi</strong>COMPARATIVE ANALYSISDELHI AND TEL AVIV, (Israel)• Historical BackgroundThe city of Tel Aviv was founded in 1909to the immediate north of the walledport city of Jaffa, on the hills along theeastern coast of the MediterraneanSea. During the era of British rule inPalestine (1917‐1948) it developed intoa thriving urban centre, becomingIsrael's foremost economic andmetropolitan nucleus.• Status of nominationThe White <strong>City</strong> of Tel Aviv is nominatedunder the UNESCO’s list of World<strong>Heritage</strong> Cities in 2003 under thecriteria (ii) and (iv).• <strong>City</strong> planningThe site has been nominated as a serialproperty consisting of three separatezones, the central White <strong>City</strong>, Lev Hairand Rothschild Avenue, and the BialikArea, surrounded by a common bufferzone. The White <strong>City</strong> of Tel Aviv can beseen as an outstanding example in alarge scale of the innovative townplanningideas of the first part of the20th century. The area of the White<strong>City</strong> forms its central part, and is basedon the urban master plan by Sir PatrickGeddes (1925‐27), one of the foremosttheorists in the early modern period.Tel Aviv is a large‐scale urbanrealization of Patrick Geddes, not a'garden city', but an urban entity ofphysical, economic, social and human needs based on an environmental approach. His scientific principlesin town planning was based on a new vision of a 'site' and 'region', influenced urban planning in the 20thcentury internationally.The White <strong>City</strong> is also an outstanding example of the implementation of of architecture which is asynthetic representation of some of the most significant trends of Modern Movement in architecture, asit developed in Europe. These trends took into account local cultural traditions and climatic conditions.The buildings were designed by a large number of architects, who had been trained and had practised invarious European countries. In their work in Tel Aviv, they represented the plurality of the creative trendsof modernism, but they also took into account the local, cultural quality of the site.(Further Research to be done….)Map 07: Inscribed Property of Tel Aviv,Source: Nomination Dossier of the white city of Tel Aviv, 20037/31/2012 INTACH, <strong>Delhi</strong> Chapter 17

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