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Medieval and Colonial Capital Cities of <strong>Delhi</strong>COMPARATIVE ANALYSISDELHI AND ISFAHAN, (Iran)• Historical BackgroundThe historic city of Isfahan; located in the foothillsof Zagros Mountain is today the third largest city inIran. The city was located along the Great Silk Routeand gradually developed into a regional centre.Though the city reached its golden period duringthe Safavid period (14th cen. AD) its history datesback to 2500years when it formed the part of theGreat Achaemenid Empire.With the Arab conquest and coming of the Buyid,Seljuk and Il‐Khanid periods (652 AD‐1387 AD),Isfahan became a part of the expanding Muslimempire and Jujir mosque was built in 976 AD‐985AD as the Friday mosque dating from this period. During 11th cen. AD, Isfahan experienced its Goldenperiod with the subsequent rise of the Seljuks. In the 13th cen. AD like many Islamic cities, Timur alsoinvaded Isfahan and sacked it leaving the city in ruins for 200years.In 16th cen. AD (1597), Shah Abbas I decided to move his capital from Qazvin to Isfahan and Isfahanbecame the capital of the Safavid Empire. It was during his reign that town planning reached its epoch.Several structures like the Meidan Emam, Masjid‐e Jame, Portia of Qeyssariyeh, the Royal mosque, theMosque of Sheyx Lotfollah and Ali Qapu are few of the important structures built over a period of time.During the 18th cen. AD (1772) the Safavid dynasty declined and the Afghan rule was established.• Status of nominationPic 14: Meidan Emam , Source: Nomination Dossier, MeidanEmam, Esfahan, 1979The <strong>City</strong> of Isfahan is not nominated under the UNESCO’s list of World <strong>Heritage</strong> Cities though cultural siteslike Meidan Emam, Masjed‐e Jame feature in the world heritage list.The Royal Square, Meidan Emam was nominated in the UNESCO’s list of World heritage Sites in the year1979 under the criteria (i) (v) and (vi).The Masjed‐e Jame or the Friday Mosque was nominated in the UNESCO’s list of World heritage Sites inthe year 2012 under the criteria (ii).• Architectural componentsMeidan Emam: This Royal Square was built in the 17th cen. AD by Shah Abbas I. The square wassurrounded by four significant monumental buildings on each side linked by a series of two‐storiedarcades. The Portia of Qeyssariyeh built in 1602‐1619 lies to the north of the complex while to the southlies the Royal Mosque built in 1612‐1630 AD. The eastern and the western sides are flanked by structureslike the Mosque of Sheyx Lotfollah (1602‐1618 AD) and the pavilion of Ali Qapu (small Timurid palace) of15th cen. AD which was later, enlarged and decorated by the shah and his successors.Masjid‐e Jame: The Masjid‐e Jame also known as theFriday Mosque was built in 841 AD became theprototype for mosque architecture in Central Asia.The courtyard layout of the Sassanid palace complexwas incorporated in the Islamic religious structure.The mosque has double shelled ribbed domes whichinspired builders throughout the region of CentralAsia.Pic 15: Meidan Emam , Source: Nomination Dossier, Masjid‐eJame, Esfahan, 2012.7/31/2012 INTACH, <strong>Delhi</strong> Chapter 12

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