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Medieval and Colonial Capital Cities of <strong>Delhi</strong>COMPARATIVE ANALYSISThe city also incorporated within its urban layout several additions made by the British in the 19 th centuryAD. The cantonment with bungalows was added within the urban fabric as a residential area to the southof the city and the administrative area to the north. Several civic and administrative buildings likecolleges, civil courts, churches, etc. were built.Although the uniqueness of <strong>Delhi</strong> lies in the fact that it shows a distinct influence of the British power inIndia, the Indo British architecture of the 20 th century seen in the planning of the New <strong>Delhi</strong> with variousarchitectural elements like the use of chattris, dome, cupolas, etc. were incorporated to define a newvocabulary of architecture for administrative structures.The fusion and of several cultures also further reflected in the material and technological advancementwith its imprint being visible in the several havelis, mosques and tomb structures built over many periodsof rule by several empires. The large variance in the architectural style defines the uniqueness of <strong>Delhi</strong>’ssyncretic culture which gave the city its own vocabulary of material and technological creativity.• <strong>City</strong> planningPic 03: Panaromic view of the Fort, Agra, 1840 Painting, Source: Victoria and Albert MuseumBoth the historic cities of Agra and <strong>Delhi</strong> have beencentres of Mughal Empire from 16 th to 17 th centuryAD. Agra had been the capital city of Babur,Humayun and Akbar whose contributions to the cityplanning are unique. Similar to the Mughal city ofFatehpur Sikri built by Akbar in Agra, Shahjahanabadwas built by Shahjahan in <strong>Delhi</strong>, as an outstandingexample of architectural marvel. The cities of Agraand <strong>Delhi</strong> during the Mughal reign were designedbased on principles drawn from both Indian andPersian style of city planning. The layout of narrowstreets and mohulla with katra and kucha system ofplanning was introduced. Unlike the city ofShahjahanabad which was built as a walled city, Agrawas not designed to be a walled city. The Red Fort ofAgra has a wall running all round its perimeter with aKhizri Gate connecting the river to the fort and twoimportant and main gates, <strong>Delhi</strong> Gate which facedthe western side, Lahore Gate or Amar Singh Gatewhich was used as the royal gate through which thefamous hathi pol can be reached.The city grew along the banks of River Yamuna andwas not surrounded by a wall and neither as wellFORTCANTONMENTMap 02: Map of Agra showing the old city and cantonmentareas‐1893AD. Source: http://mapsof.net/map/city‐map‐of‐agra7/31/2012 INTACH, <strong>Delhi</strong> Chapter 4

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