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Medieval And Colonial Capital Cities Of <strong>Delhi</strong>JUSTIFICATION FOR INSCRIPTIONIntegrity The whole city as designed by Shahjahan and the entire city as planned by Lutyens along with thecordon sanitaire proposed between the two entities is included in the area proposed for nomination. In terms ofscale, Shahjahanabad is the largest Mughal city and therefore is of adequate size to be a fair representation of aMughal city typology. The integrity of Shahjahanabad suffers due to the pressures of development. In the case ofColonial <strong>Delhi</strong>, the city is the largest of the planned garden cities. Its integrity is retained to a large extent. Initially,the absence of suitable building controls led to the construction of a few incongruous high‐rise buildings in themiddle of New <strong>Delhi</strong>’s low rise vistas and axial compositions, however, regulations as described in themanagement section of this document is in place to address these issues.Authenticity In terms of the urban morphology the form and design of the Medieval and Colonial Capital Citiesof <strong>Delhi</strong> has remained intact to a very high degree. The nodal features of the city still retain their authenticity. Incertain areas commercial land use has replaced the original residential land use within the same urban fabric.Monumental buildings of the Mughal period continue to dominate and define the authenticity of the medievalcapital, but as a living city, having experienced historic traumas in the past, the residential structures have beenrebuilt over the years on the original footprint. Shahjahanabad no longer remains an Imperial capital, but todaythe Prime Minister of India addresses the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort, on the anniversary of India’sindependence, retaining the symbolic significance of what was once an imperial city. Colonial <strong>Delhi</strong> still functionsas a capital, albeit of an independent sovereign Republic.Requirements for Protection and Management The foundational management structure to protect the heritageof <strong>Delhi</strong> exists. Over 382 buildings with heritage value have already been notified for protection, of which 174 areprotected by ASI and …By the State Archaeology. The current update of the Master Plan of <strong>Delhi</strong> contains aspecific chapter on the protection and conservation of <strong>Delhi</strong>’s heritage. Shahjahanabad and Colonial New <strong>Delhi</strong>are among them thus conferring it legal status. In addition, the Central Government’s Ministry of UrbanDevelopment has constituted an apex heritage monitoring body, the <strong>Heritage</strong> Conservation Committee tomonitor the conservation issues of sites and precincts. The Government of the NCTD has also established theShahjahanabad Redevelopment Corporation (SRDC) to undertake the renewal and up gradation of heritageprecincts. The Central Government has in place since 1988, a general ban on all new construction in Colonial <strong>Delhi</strong>and specific projects for new construction are carefully screened by the <strong>Delhi</strong> Urban Art Commission and the<strong>Heritage</strong> Conservation Committee who are being sensitised to protecting the OUV of the nominated area. For thespecific protection of the Central Vista and its vicinity, the Central Public Works Department has constituted theCentral Vista Committee who scrutinise all intervention in this precinct. An additional system of governance tospecifically protect the OUV of the nominated area has already been initiated, on 12 June, 2012, when a NodalCommittee was set up under the Chief Secretary of GNCTD. It consists of officers of the various departments ofthe GNCTD and with the Principal Secretary (Tourism) as Member Secretary.31‐07‐2012 INTACH, <strong>Delhi</strong> Chapter 14

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