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six vacant land parcels located in Kingman from $3,692,599.00 to $1,684,434.00 resulting in an estimatedtax reduction <strong>of</strong> $21,664.99 (from $31,321.61 to $9,656.62) for the 2011 tax year.25. Approve the proposed settlement <strong>of</strong> Edward Dene Pattillo and Mary Jane Pattillo v. Mohave County, ST-2010-1035 property tax valuation appeal. This settlement provides for a reduction in the full cash value<strong>of</strong> parcel #321-19-007 located in Kingman from $606,067.00 to $331,470.00, resulting in an estimatedtax reduction <strong>of</strong> $1,333.43 (from $5,465.30 to $4,131.87) for the 2010 tax year.26. Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-073 - Authorizing the Sheriff <strong>of</strong> Mohave County to makeapplication to the Governor’s Office <strong>of</strong> Highway Safety for a FY2012 Highway Safety Grant; nomatching funds are required.27. Approve the contract with Arizona Board <strong>of</strong> Equalization for Hearing Officer Services for the MohaveCounty Board <strong>of</strong> Equalization from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.28. Approve Purchase Order No. E1H38383 for Contract #HG854289 with the Arizona Department <strong>of</strong> HealthServices and Mohave County Department <strong>of</strong> Public Health (Nursing Division), Immunization Program(232-04-5155), for the period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011, in the amount <strong>of</strong> $19,090; norevised budget is needed as this was included in the budget submission for FY11.29. Approve the County Manager’s Ordinance Report for the time period <strong>of</strong> March 1, 2011 through March15, 2011.30. Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Help America Vote Act Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding between theArizona Secretary <strong>of</strong> State and the Mohave County Board <strong>of</strong> Supervisors.31. Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Interlocal Agreement #RFP601268-08, Ryan White Program (272-04-5185), between Clark County and Mohave County Department <strong>of</strong> Health (Nursing Division), to extendthe term <strong>of</strong> the Interlocal Agreement to end February 29, 2012, and replace Exhibit G, with Exhibit H, toamend the service allocations for grant year March 1, 2010 - February 28, 2011. No revised budgetnecessary as the grant year has ended and the allocations were included in the County FY11 budget.32. Approve Contract Amendment No. 2B between the Western Arizona Council <strong>of</strong> Governments(WACOG), Area Agency on Aging and the Mohave County Department <strong>of</strong> Public Health, SeniorPrograms, for an additional $46,115.00, and approve revised budgets for funds 81556310, 81556312,81556313, and 81556314 to expend the additional funding in FY11.33. Accept the FY11 third quarter in-kind donations totaling $42,947.75 from the Senior Center Non-Pr<strong>of</strong>itSite Council organizations (Lake Havasu: non-cash $27,128.37 and utility assistance $5,226.90; GoldenShores: non-cash $536.04; and Bullhead non-cash $8,402.59 and utility assistance $1,653.85) andapprove revised budgets for fund 815-05-6310 for rental income and funds 815-05-6312, 815-05-6313,and 815-05-6314 for in-kind donations.34. Accept in-kind donation <strong>of</strong> furniture and miscellaneous <strong>of</strong>fice supplies with an approximate value <strong>of</strong>$3,370 from CoachNet Corporation for the One-Stop Career Center located at the County Building, LakeHavasu City.35. Approve Purchase Order No. E1H38260, for Contract #HG754200, with the Arizona Department <strong>of</strong>Health Services and Mohave County Department <strong>of</strong> Public Health (Bioterrorism Division), EmergencyResponse Program (275-04-5108), to increase funding in the amount <strong>of</strong> $100,000; and approve revisedbudget.

36. Approve Delegation Agreement No. 06-0025, between the Arizona Department <strong>of</strong> Environmental Qualityand Mohave County Department <strong>of</strong> Health (Environmental Health Division); Agreement extends theexisting Agreement until June 30, 2012, or the effective date <strong>of</strong> the new Agreement, whatever occurs first.37. Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-072 – Approving Grant Agreement Number B-11-UN-04-0503between the US Department <strong>of</strong> Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Mohave County for theNeighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) and providing grant funds in the amount <strong>of</strong> $1,990,744 forNSP3 activities as delineated in Mohave County's NSP3 Abbreviated Consolidated Plan and Application,for the grant period from March 16, 2011 through March 16, 2014, and authorize the County Manager orhis designee to sign all <strong>of</strong>fer, purchase and sale documents for NSP properties in lieu <strong>of</strong> normalprocurement process.38. Approve administering the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Dislocated Workers (DW) Programeffective July 1, 2011 for Mohave/La Paz Local Workforce Investment Area; terminate the participation<strong>of</strong> Mohave County in the Consortium Agreement with Gila County Re-employment and Pre-lay<strong>of</strong>fAssistance Center (REPAC) which administered the DW program; terminate any IntergovernmentalAgreements (IGA) and Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding with Gila County for its participation in theMohave County One-Stop System; and direct staff to negotiate with Gila County for transfer <strong>of</strong> theprogram, funding obligations and any program asset and equipment; approve the creation <strong>of</strong> two (2) FulltimeEmployee positions, Program Representative Senior and Program Representative and authorize therecruitment and hiring <strong>of</strong> these positions to be funded by the WIA Dislocated Workers Program prior toJuly 1, 2011 to effect a smooth transition <strong>of</strong> the program to Mohave County.39. Approve increased budget for the Section 8 Program, from $200,000 to $300,000, reflecting an increase<strong>of</strong> $100,000 <strong>of</strong> the HUD portable program funding for Calendar Year 2011; and approve an amendedbudget for Fund 87850856 for FY2011.40. Approve Amendment No. 4 to Contract No. DE091208001, Intergovernmental Agreement between theState <strong>of</strong> Arizona Department <strong>of</strong> Economic Security and Mohave County for the American Recovery andReinvestment Act (ARRA) funds for PY08 Workforce Investment Act Youth, Adult and DislocatedWorkers, extending the term <strong>of</strong> the contract from March 31, 2011 to June 30, 2011 and reducing fundingfor the Energy Careers Grant fund 88189457 by $72,339 from $315,000 to $242,661.41. Approve Extension <strong>of</strong> Lease Agreement between I. McKay Heaton and Audrey P. Heaton (Landlord) andthe Moccasin Consolidated Court (Tenant) effective April 1, 2011 through September 30, 2011, with amonth-to-month option thereafter, with all other existing terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> the current leaseremaining the same, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Mohave County Moccasin Consolidated Court.42. Approve Extension <strong>of</strong> the P-Card Program with JP Morgan Chase through Cooperative PurchasingContract with the City <strong>of</strong> Tucson, Contract No. 041123, effective May 3, 2011 through May 2, 2013, withall other existing terms and conditions <strong>of</strong> the P-Card Program remaining the same.43. Sitting as the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> the Mohave County Flood Control District: Approve ContractNo. 07-PS-25, Design Services for Lakeside Drain Alignment/Gold Spring Road, to Stantec Consulting,Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, for the total project cost <strong>of</strong> $40,217.00, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Development ServicesDepartment – Flood Control Division. Item withdrawn by staff.44. Sitting as the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> the Mohave County Television District: Approve theprocurement <strong>of</strong> three MRC DXL5100, Digital Microwave Systems from Vislink News andEntertainment, North Billerica, Massachusetts, in accordance with Mohave County Procurement Code,Article III, Section 7 (Sole Source Procurement), in the total purchase amount (including Use Tax) <strong>of</strong>$64,271.92.

45. Approve award <strong>of</strong> Contract No. 11-PS-04, Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Services for Underground Fuel Storage TankRemoval and Hazard Remediation, to Nicklaus Engineering, Inc., Yuma, Arizona, to provide pr<strong>of</strong>essionalservices to close and decommission the existing underground storage tanks at the Kingman Public WorksFacility and provide full Civil Engineering Services for the design <strong>of</strong> a new fueling facility with aboveground storage tanks, in the amount <strong>of</strong> $73,990.00 on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Public Works Department –Engineering Division; in addition, staff requests a project contingency in the amount <strong>of</strong> $7,399.00 forauthorized essential work to address any unforeseen condition to enable project completion.46. Authorize the sale at public auction, including internet auction, <strong>of</strong> miscellaneous surplus property, andauthorize county staff to sign all necessary and convenient documents on behalf <strong>of</strong> the County as a part <strong>of</strong>conducting the auctions and completing the sales. All proceeds from the sales, less pro-rated sellingexpenses, will be deposited into the County’s General Fund or back into the fund from which they werepurchased.47. Approve Amendment No. 3 to Contract No. 08-P-06, Lake Havasu City Janitorial Services, with SpruceGoose Cleaning Company, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, extending the contract for an additional one yearperiod, from July 21, 2011 through July 20, 2012, with all terms and conditions remaining the same, onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the Public Works Department - Facilities Maintenance Division.48. Approve Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 09-P-08, Tuberculosis Consultation Services, extending thecontract for an additional one year period from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, with all other termsand conditions remaining the same, on behalf <strong>of</strong> Mohave County Department <strong>of</strong> Public Health – NursingDivision.49. Approve Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 09-P-04, Investment Advisory Services to Davidson FixedIncome Management, Phoenix, Arizona, extending the contract for an additional one year period fromMay 4, 2011 through May 3, 2012, with all terms and conditions remaining the same.50. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 10-P-01, Online Surplus Auction Services to The PublicGroup, Provo, Utah, extending the contract for an additional one year period, from May 15, 2011 throughMay 14, 2012, with all terms and conditions remaining the same.51. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 10-P-04, Title Search Services with Pioneer Title Agency,Kingman, Arizona, extending the contract for an additional one year period from June 2, 2011 throughJune 1, 2012, and approve underwriters increased rate schedules, with all other terms and conditionsremaining the same, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Public Works Department – Engineering Division.52. Approve Contract No. 11-SF-11, with Atlas Advertising, Denver, Colorado, for pr<strong>of</strong>essional marketingservices that will support Mohave County’s regional economic development business retention,expansion and recruitment efforts, in the amount <strong>of</strong> $53,300; and approve budget (fund 29910501).53. Approve Contract No. 11-PS-03 Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Services (architectural and building systems design, civilsite engineering, construction administration and design work and support toward LEED SilverCertification) for Public Works Building, with Selberg Associates, Inc., Bullhead City, Arizona, in theamount <strong>of</strong> $248,000, on behalf <strong>of</strong> Public Works Department – Facilities Maintenance Division.54. Approve Mohave County’s warrant register for February, 2011, in the amount <strong>of</strong> $3,232,919.10.55. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve an application for a special event permit within MohaveCounty right-<strong>of</strong>-way on County Route 91, from the Utah Border to the Nevada Border, for a long distanceBike Race, to be held July 29 and 30, 2011, upon applicant’s fulfillment <strong>of</strong> Mohave County Public WorksDepartment Special Events permit Policy requirements.

56. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve an application for a special event permit within MohaveCounty right-<strong>of</strong>-way in Dolan Springs, with assembly on Tom White and Spur then traveling South onPierce Ferry Road to Lloyd, for an annual parade event to be held May 7, 2011, upon applicant’sfulfillment <strong>of</strong> Mohave County Public Works Department Special Events Permit Policy requirements.57. Authorize the Public Works Director to approve an application for a special event permit within MohaveCounty right-<strong>of</strong>-way in Golden Shores, with assembly at Cerro Colorado Dr. North to Maricopa Drive,East to Oatman Highway, then South on Oatman Highway to Bonita, for an annual parade event to beheld April 23, 2011, upon applicant’s fulfillment <strong>of</strong> Mohave County Public Works Department SpecialEvents Permit Policy requirements.58. Approve the dedication <strong>of</strong> certain street rights-<strong>of</strong>-way located in Havasu Garden Estates, Tract 1122, andauthorize the Clerk <strong>of</strong> the Board to accept on behalf <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Supervisors.59. Approve Utility Easement Agreement with Citizens Utility Company to construct additional telephoneservice equipment within the southerly 30 feet <strong>of</strong> Lot 157, Bermuda Meadows subdivision and authorizethe Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board to sign.60. Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-070 – Declaring and accepting as County Highways the roadswithin Havasu Garden Estates, Tract 1122 and accepting the roads into the Mohave County RoadMaintenance System as paved roads and accept a fee <strong>of</strong> $39,876.55 from Havasu Gardens Association,Inc. to be deposited in the Highway User Revenue Fund for a future preventative maintenance treatment.61. Approve the Probation Department’s budget modifications and authorize the expenditures for fund83623500 – Community Punishment Program from $186,139 to $196,139; fund 82323500 – DrugTreatment/Education from $49,143 to $62,143; and fund 83123501 – Diversion Treatment from $118,353to $126,153.62. Approve the reappointment <strong>of</strong> Jim Roberts to the Mohave County Transportation Commission,representing Supervisorial District 2; term to expire April 7, 2014.63. Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-071 - Supporting adequate funding <strong>of</strong> the Arizona Department <strong>of</strong>Water Resources and their efforts in the protection, management, and development <strong>of</strong> future waterresources for Arizona Citizens and Industry.64. Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-059 – Opposing the re-routing <strong>of</strong> truck traffic through BullheadCity, Arizona, via Highway 68; and Laughlin, Nevada, via Highway 163, due to the current trafficproblems in Boulder City, Nevada.65. Approve the reappointment <strong>of</strong> Don Donahue to the Mohave County Board <strong>of</strong> Adjustment representingSupervisorial District 3; term to expire March 19, 2015.66. Approve the reappointment <strong>of</strong> James Mabery to the Mohave County Board <strong>of</strong> Adjustment representingSupervisorial District 3; term to expire March 17, 2015.67. Approve the reappointment <strong>of</strong> Michael Daley to the Mohave County Board <strong>of</strong> Adjustment representingSupervisorial District 3; term to expire March 19, 2015.68. Set a Public Hearing to be held May 2, 2011, to consider the adoption <strong>of</strong> the new Animal Controlimmunization fees to be effective July 1, 2011.69. Approve and authorize the Mohave County Division <strong>of</strong> Emergency Management to apply to the ArizonaDepartment <strong>of</strong> Homeland Security for federal FY 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Program funds <strong>of</strong>

$6,749 for equipment and training for the County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)Program.70. Approve and authorize the Mohave County Division <strong>of</strong> Emergency Management to apply to the ArizonaDepartment <strong>of</strong> Homeland Security for federal FY 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Program funds <strong>of</strong>up to $27,000 for Emergency Alert System (EAS) communication equipment.71. Approve and authorize the Mohave County Division <strong>of</strong> Emergency Management to apply to the ArizonaDepartment <strong>of</strong> Homeland Security for federal FY 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Program funds <strong>of</strong>up to $25,500 for computer servers and laptops to manage the automated telephone emergency publicwarning system.72. Approve and authorize the Mohave County Division <strong>of</strong> Emergency Management (MCEM) to apply to theArizona Department <strong>of</strong> Homeland Security for federal FY 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Programfunds <strong>of</strong> $12,500 for radio communications upgrades to the interoperable communications vehicleoperated by MCEM and responder field communications guides for first responders throughout thecounty.73. Approve and authorize the Mohave County Division <strong>of</strong> Emergency Management to apply to the ArizonaDepartment <strong>of</strong> Homeland Security for federal FY 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Program funds <strong>of</strong>up to $35,000 to provide local training classes for first responder agencies throughout the County.74. Approve and authorize the Chairman <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Supervisors to sign an IntergovernmentalAgreement with the Arizona Department <strong>of</strong> Fire, Building and Life Safety - Office <strong>of</strong> ManufacturedHousing for the enforcement <strong>of</strong> OMH Installation Standards for Manufactured Homes and Factory-BuiltBuildings within the unincorporated areas <strong>of</strong> Mohave County.75. Approve the 48 month lease agreement between the Mohave County Probation Department and CSILeasing, Inc., for 35 computers at a monthy cost <strong>of</strong> $1,193.46 to be paid out <strong>of</strong> the Adult Probation FessFund 83023500.PUBLIC HEARINGS:NICHOLAS S. HONT, P.E., <strong>MOHAVE</strong> <strong>COUNTY</strong> DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR:76A. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-063 -MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE VIRGIN RIVER COMMUNITIES AREA PLAN <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong>the NE 1/4 NW 1/4 <strong>of</strong> Section 14, Township 39 North, Range 16 West, from NC (NeighborhoodCommercial) and LDR (Low Density Residential) land use designations to GC (General Commercial) andMDR (Medium Density Residential) land use designations and a MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE<strong>MOHAVE</strong> <strong>COUNTY</strong> GENERAL PLAN <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong> the NE 1/4 NW 1/4 <strong>of</strong> Section 14, Township39 North, Range 16 West, from UDA, NC (Urban Development Area, Neighborhood Commercial) andUDA, LR (Urban Development Area, Low Density Residential) land use designations to UDA, GC(Urban Development Area, General Commercial) and UDA, CR (Urban Development Area, CommercialRecreation) land use designations and amend Exhibits VI.3 and VI.5 <strong>of</strong> the General Plan to match, in theArizona Strip Area (southeast corner <strong>of</strong> Las Vegas Way and Scenic Boulevard), Mohave County,Arizona. APN 402-22-097 (Commission approved by unanimous vote.) Approved76B. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-064 -ZONING USE PERMIT on a portion <strong>of</strong> the NE 1/4 NW 1/4 <strong>of</strong> Section 14, Township 39 North, Range16 West, for an RV park in an A-R (Agricultural-Residential/One Acre Minimum Lot Size) zone, in theArizona Strip Area (southeast corner <strong>of</strong> Las Vegas Way and Scenic Boulevard), Mohave County,Arizona. APN 402-22-097 (Commission approved by unanimous vote.) Approved

77. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-065 -ZONING USE PERMIT on Lots 22, 23, and 24, VIRGIN VILLAGE, Unit 1, in Section 32, Township41 North, Range 15 West, for a secondary residence in an A-R (Agricultural-Residential/One AcreMinimum Lot Size) zone, in the Arizona Strip Area (northwest corner <strong>of</strong> Phoenix Boulevard andKingman Street), Mohave County, Arizona. APN 402-62-024D (Commission approved by unanimousvote.) Approved78. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-066 -EXTENSION OF TIME AND AN AMENDMENT TO BOS RESOLUTION NOs. 2007-478, 2008-338 and 2010-019, which approved the Rezone and Extensions <strong>of</strong> time for a Rezone <strong>of</strong> Lot 42,SUNWARD HO! RANCHES, ZAFIRO ACRES, in Section 5, Township 22 North, Range 16 West, inthe Mohave County General Area (south side <strong>of</strong> Calle Alamo between Bank Street and AvenidaObregon), Mohave County, Arizona. APN 310-02-042 (Commission approved by unanimous vote.)Approved79. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-067 -Grant an extension, determine compliance with the schedule for development, or cause the property torevert to its former zoning classification as specified in BOS RESOLUTION NOs. 2008-112 and 2010-043, which approved the Rezone and Extension <strong>of</strong> Time for a Rezone <strong>of</strong> Lot 34, GATEWAY ACRES,Tract 8, in Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 20 West, in the Dolan Springs portion <strong>of</strong> the MohaveCounty General Area (east <strong>of</strong> U.S. Highway 93 between Seventh Street and Fifth Street), MohaveCounty, Arizona. APN 317-09-044 (Commission approved by unanimous vote.) ApprovedRescission80A. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-068 -MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE <strong>MOHAVE</strong> <strong>COUNTY</strong> GENERAL PLAN for a portion <strong>of</strong> the south957 feet <strong>of</strong> the SE 1/4 SW 1/4 <strong>of</strong> Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 16 West, from a UDA, PF(Urban Development Area, Public Facilities) land use designation to a UDA, AE (Urban DevelopmentArea, Alternative Energy) land use designation for a solar power generation plant and amend ExhibitsVI.4 and VI.16 <strong>of</strong> the General Plan to match, in the Kingman Area (La Senita elementary school, north <strong>of</strong>Gordon Drive between Bank Street and Castle Rock Road), Mohave County, Arizona. APN 324-29-002(Commission approved by unanimous vote.) Approved80B. Open Public Hearing: Discussion and possible action RE: Adoption <strong>of</strong> BOS Resolution No. 2011-069 -REZONE <strong>of</strong> a portion <strong>of</strong> the south 957 feet <strong>of</strong> the SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 32, Township 22 North, Range16 West, to establish an E-SP (Energy Overlay-Solar Photovoltaic) zone on property zoned A-R(Agricultural-Residential/One Acre Minimum Lot Size), in the Kingman Area (La Senita elementaryschool, north <strong>of</strong> Gordon Drive between Bank Street and Castle Rock Road), Mohave County, Arizona.APN 324-29-002 (Commission approved by unanimous vote.) ApprovedREGULAR AGENDA:TOM SOCKWELL, <strong>MOHAVE</strong> <strong>COUNTY</strong> SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 2:*81A.*81B.Discussion and possible action RE: Reconsideration <strong>of</strong> Ordinance No. 2010-12 - An ordinance adoptingdefinitions and requirements for animal care and kennels. No actionDiscussion and possible action RE: Consideration <strong>of</strong> Ordinance No. 2010-12 - An ordinance adoptingdefinitions and requirements for animal care and kennels, and set the public hearing to adopt, amend, orrepeal the Ordinance, for May 2, 2011. No action

*82A.*82B.Discussion and possible action RE: Reconsideration <strong>of</strong> Ordinance No. 2010-13 - An ordinance amendingthe Mohave County Zoning Ordinance to revise standards for kennels and catteries. No actionDiscussion and possible action RE: Consideration <strong>of</strong> Ordinance No. 2010-13 - An ordinance amendingthe Mohave County Zoning Ordinance to revise standards for kennels and catteries, and set the publichearing to adopt, amend, or repeal the Ordinance, for May 2, 2011. No actionGARY WATSON, <strong>MOHAVE</strong> <strong>COUNTY</strong> SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 1:83A. Discussion and possible action RE: Reconsideration <strong>of</strong> Item 40 from the March 7, 2011, BOS Meeting,Denying the reappointment <strong>of</strong> Derek C. Carlisle as Judge Pro Tempore for the Superior Court in MohaveCounty from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Approved83B. Discussion and possible action RE: Approve Administrative Order 2011-004 - Reappointing Derek C.Carlisle as Judge Pro Tempore for the Superior Court in Mohave County from July 1, 2011 through June30, 2012. ApprovedRON WALKER, <strong>MOHAVE</strong> <strong>COUNTY</strong> MANAGER:84. Discussion and possible action RE: Establishing the Mohave County jail per diem rate at $98.74 forfiscal year 2011-2012. Approve and if the rate is lower after the audit, it automatically adjusts tothat rate; to be completed by July 1, 2011.SUSIE PAREL-DURANCEAU, DEPUTY <strong>COUNTY</strong> MANAGER – HEALTH & COMMUNITY SVCS:85. Discussion and possible action RE: Authorize permission to lease the Mohave County Senior CenterBuilding to Bullhead City and transfer <strong>of</strong> Senior Program vehicles to be used for the Congregate andHomeBound Meals (Senior Programs) to be administered by Bullhead City effective July 1, 2011, andauthorize staff to prepare an Intergovernmental Agreement and Lease Agreement. Approved

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