May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians


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6many years of faithful support and we thankthem for their efforts and hope to see them asusual at out events.This year we will have an additional event.The <strong>Old</strong> Girls Association of the SGHS haveinvited us to a joint dinner on the Saturday27 th September at the Palm Court Hotel. Thisevent will be open to spouses as well as membersof both Associations. You will find anapplication form for tickets in this issue.One of the benefits of being your Secretary isthat I get to correspond with many of you.You have interesting stories to tell about howyou have translated the broad education thatyou received at the School into a rewardingcareer. Wherever possible I pass these lettersand communications on to David for inclusionin Summer Times. Please keep the letterscoming!Peter Robson (1945-53)SecretaryTREASURIALThere is very little toreport on the financialfront since the last editionother than that weare still solvent and thatsubs are still trickling inalbeit at a slower rate.A small profit wasmade on the ScarboroughChristmas Dinner and the running expensesof the organisation continue to be veryminimal.We have recently lost three of our regularadvertisers in Summer Times and if anybodyknows of any possible replacements we shallbe grateful if you will let us know. The cost ofa full page in any edition is £50 and £30 forhalf a page.Chris Found (1951-59)TreasurerSPORTING EVENTSGolf Competitions - 2003The golf days for 2003 are as follows:-Dr. Meadley Thursday 5th JuneT.A.Smith Thursday 17th JulyFor the latter event the first tee has been reservedfrom 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. and we are hopingthat all entrants will agree to start duringthis time, wherever possible, so that playingfours can be pre-arranged by the organisers.Chris Found (1951-59)Golf SecretaryOLD SCARBORIANS WEBSITE REPORTOwing to other commitments,I have madevery few changes oradditions to the website since the last editionof Summer Times.There are still a numberof photographs ofprefects, drama productionsand some sporting events in thebacklog.One significant addition, however, is the 1942school photograph, for which EricThomlinson (who now lives in Cambridge,Ontario) kindly provided a fairly wellpreservedoriginal.Graham Rew has scanned and sent the 1958school photograph, which I may have addedby the time you read this. Based on the years Iwas at the school, I had been under the impressionthat whole-school photographs werealways quadrennial events. Given that wenow have both 1958 and 1959 photographs, Irealise that hasn’t always been the case.If you have submitted photographs and arestill awaiting their appearance, please accept

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