May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians


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4Does anyone out there have any memories ofpast games, funny or serious or historical fact?Where did all the school’s rugby players go?Clive Hopkins and Henry Bell became foundermembers of Guisborough Rugby club, GeoffDowson went on to captain Yorkshire, NormHopkins played at Scarborough along withmany others, Dave Watson vanished to thewilds of Lancashire and strange teams in thewest and I think Mick Cammish played RugbyLeague.If you have any memories or details, funny,serious or historical let either David Fowler ormyself know and we will publish the relevantfact or fiction. Do not be put off because you feelyour piece might be too short or unimportant. Itmight just spark others off so generating a historyof Scarborough High School Rugby.I was very pleased to be part of a considerable<strong>Old</strong> Boy’s presence at the 80 th birthday party forBob Watson. Besides the members present itwas good to see Jack Speight again. There werepeople present from many organisations as wellas ex pupils, ex colleagues and many friends.The “old guy” is certainly an example to us all. Ionly hope we are as active as he is at 80. CongratulationsBob.Having seen Bob and Jack I was asked by one ortwo members if we could track down more exteachers and encourage them to attend one orother of the gatherings.Do you know the whereabouts of an ex memberof staff?Let David or myself know if you do and we will“knock on their door” and ask if they wouldlike to see what the eager young boys they sentout into the world turned into.The next event is the London Lunch and I hopeas many members as possible will try to attend.Tickets and details are available from PeterRobson as usual.Mick Bowman (1954-61)PresidentSECRETARIALAt 16 February 2003, the OSA had 638 membersversus 616 at the timeof my last report (August21 st 2002), an increase of22. Thus, we continue torecruit new members albeitat a slower rate thanin the recent past. Asusual, I ask all memberswho have kept in touchwith their contemporaries to inform themabout the OSA and to refer them to the website which gives a lot of detailed informationabout the OSA and includes an applicationform for Life Membership.Each year we gain members but sadly we alsolose them. In the past six months I have hadthe deaths of the following reported to me:-Ray Ashford (1942-47), Derek Bielby (1934-39),Peter Toy (1928-32), Brian Speak (1936-41)John Yeadon (1945-53) and Denis Saunders(1936-43)The past six months have been relatively quietfollowing the high activity of the Centenaryyear. We had an excellent Scarborough dinnerattended by 82 members and we are in theadvanced planning stage for the LondonLunch. At this time it looks as though the latterwill be attended by about 50 members slightlylower than last year. Even this attendance dependson the response to a reminder about thelunch which has gone out to all the memberswith an e mail address. There has been a smallresponse to the question which I raised in thelast issue of Summer Times, about the wisdomof continuing with this event. Everyone whoresponded was in favour of keeping the lunchso we go ahead on that basis.As usual, we had the AGM in November andthe principle events were the election of MickBowman (1954-61) as President, and of JackLayton (1936-41) and Doug Owen (1935-40) asHonorary Life Vice Presidents. The latter twohave retired from the Committee following

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