May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians


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20never lost touch with his home village of St.Bonnet in the department of Hautes Alpes.He never lost his passion for fishing andhunting, French style.We knew that Pierre was showing signs ofdiabetes but was coping. Then, in the summerof 1999, we learned that he had developedcancer of the pancreas and that it haddefeated all attempts at therapy.Graham JONES (1936-44)Graham Jones died on 4 th October, 2002, andleaves a widow, Marjorie (nee Atkinson). Thefuneral took place at the Church of St Nicholas,Ganton on Friday, 11 th October, 2002.He attended school at the same time as PastPresident Ron Gledhill (1936-44) and wasinvolved in running the GBL restaurant - atone time in Huntriss Row.John MACKENZIE-ROLLINSONJohn Mackenzie-Rollinson died in March2003 aged 49. He attended Northstead PrimarySchool and the High School for Boys.He was a solicitor at Medley Drawbridgebefore working at Bedwells solicitors from1981 to 1987. He later ran a telecommunicationsfirm which installed telephonesin offices, schools and homes.He leaves a widow, who is daughter of aformer <strong>May</strong>or of Scarborough Liz Mackenzie,and two sons.Brian SPEAK (1936-41)Colin Hurd writesBrian Speak was born on the 1st <strong>May</strong> 1924and attended the High School between 1936-1941. He died suddenly on 17 January 2003.After serving in the Fleet Air Arm during thewar he joined Scarborough Building Societyas a cashier in 1948 and progressed to ChiefExecutive in 1972. He retired in 1984 althoughhe remained a Director until 1992. Hewas very much involved with St John’s RoadMethodist Church for upwards of 40 years.He also enjoyed watching cricket and was aLife Member of the Scarborough CricketClub. His wife pre deceased him but heleaves 4 children, one of whom, Phil, is amember of the Association.Denis SAUNDERS (1936-43)Ron Gledhill writesSandy, as he was always known at school,passed away on 16th February 2003.I first encountered him in the Infants of GladstoneRoad School; I was nearly 5 years oldand he would be 6. He was a year ahead ofme as we progressed to the Juniors, and Ithen caught up with him in 1936 when weboth went to the High School.As a youngster he was a keen ball player –tennis, cricket, rugby - but his first love wassoccer at which he excelled. If a ball was beingkicked around in the playground youcould be sure that Sandy would be there!He played in the school teams, and was selectedto play for the England ATC team in1943.Sandy then went into the RAF in 1944 andqualified as a Sergeant Signaller – and playeda lot of cricket and football! In 1945 the demandfor aircrew dwindled and Sandy wenton an MT course. He told me a hilariousstory about when he was reversing a 3 tontruck. He was leaning out of the opendriver’s door, and he said with his quietsmile, “I fell out of the bloody thing. The MTSergeant was not very pleased.”On demob he went up to Oxford where hewas awarded a Blue after only 10 weeks. Hewas also appointed Football Captain. Whilstup at Oxford he contracted TB but recoveredto gain another Blue.After graduating he taught Geography for ashort period at a school at Westcliff-on-Sea,and then moved to Malvern College, wherehe eventually became a House Master.

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