May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians


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ecame responsible for Harley Street and theLondon teaching hospitals. Had a daughterthere born 1969. Pam and I emigrated to Adelaidein 1971, another daughter that year, whonow has 3 daughters of her own. Rob is unmarriedand doing well in Sydney with Telstra,Kate is divorced and no kids, and is inthe marketing department of one of our localfootball teams, which plays in the cup semifinalon Saturday.I got my licence, the equivalent of the G8 vhfone, in 1972, and my full one in 1974. (Editor:Radio Ham licence). I seem to remember youhad an Eddystone 640 receiver. I must admitthat I have lost interest over the last 12 yearsafter disillusionment with the way thingswere going. I did my best to be involved, beingthe Federal Councillor for the VK5 divisionof the Wireless Institute of Australia, theRSGB equivalent, and also the VK5 presidentfor several years, but it was terribly political,and after a feud between WA and NSW overthe direction of the WIA I resigned in 1993,and have not bothered since.I have had heart valve replacement surgerytwice, 1983 and 2001, the latter to replace thefirst replacement, and am now retired andtrying hard not to lose too much on the stockexchange! My sister still lives near Ravenscar,and Pam and I were last there in September2002. I sometimes wish we had stayed in Londonuntil retirement. Our house in Harrow isup for sale at the moment and they are asking£310,000. A nice tidy sum to return to Yorkshireand buy a replacement there!If it rings any bells, I used to knock aroundwith Ian Hunter, Ricky Ford. Pete Dawson,Mike Barker. Dave Pottage will probably rememberme. We played chess together. Ithought his cousin, (female) was the mostgorgeous thing I had ever seen when ArthurCostain had us sing in some combined schoolchoir event. I see Valerie Berryman is a memberof the <strong>Old</strong> Scholars. Not sure how thatwould come about, but anyway, she attendedthe same church and youth club as I, St18Columbaʹs in Dean Road. Billy Binder used tocome and visit me at Scholes Park (NathanSheen lived around the corner. Heʹs youngerof course, but his sister was our age. I thinkshe married Peter Emms,) when I was ill withrheumatic fever, (hence the heart trouble,)and Jock Roxborough was most upset that itinterfered with my blossoming career as aprop forward just as he decided I was goodenough for the U 14ʹs. That puts me in withRichard Hartley and Graham Thornton, I suppose.I notice Gerald Hinchcliffe is still goingstrong. He tried to teach me Latin, the onlysubject out of 9 that I failed at GCE O level.(Editor: I telephoned Gerald Hinchliffe –now 81 – in Nottingham as I could not recallhim teaching Latin. He told me that whenLatin masters left the school there was usuallya gap before a replacement arrived, andin those gaps Hov was “asked” by Joey totake senior Latin whilst Gerald was “asked”to take the 2nd and 3rd years. By the way,Rowland, I see from our records that you’renot yet an OSA member. Life membership isonly £10 Stg)OBITUARIESRaymond ASHFORD(1944-47)Beryl M Ashford writesI am sorry to advise you of the death of myhusband on February 14th 2002 just short ofhis 72nd birthday. His health had been failingfor some time, the end coming very suddenlyafter a visit to the theatre. He made it back tothe car and died, appropriately, in the drivingseat. Mercifully we had not set off!Ray attended Scarborough High School forBoys from 1944-47, then, after a spell in theRoyal Navy, he did a teacher training courseat St. John’s College York, graduating in 1954.Specialising in Physics and Maths togetherwith a knowledge of Radar gained from hisNavy days, he was drawn into the world ofTV and Radio and taught the apprentices at

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