May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians

May - Old Scarborians


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14many eyes to close hence the reason moreshots were probably taken. I have meanwhilesent attachments to Bill Potts of the schoolphotograph taken at Westwood in 1958.I often wondered if anyone from my class of2A ever managed to convince NormanStoddard, our Form Master at the time, thatthe colour of a ‘red pillar box’ was in fact red.I always remember him for introducing me toa Russian gentleman by the name of‘Isoverof’ to whom I often refer when calculatingpercentages.Although my time at SBHS was short it createda lasting impression and I realised inlater years that I had to consider myself fortunateto have experienced what was a greatinstitution.My application for OSA membership is on itsway.Mrs Eileen Wood writesI would appreciate any information you cangive to me regarding an old pupil, DonaldStephenson OBE, CBE. I am researching thepossibility that he was a friend of TE Lawrence.I would be very grateful for any informationthat you can let me have.Andrew Straughan writesfrom Easingwold (1959-65)As a new user ʺon-lineʺ, I must say what atrue delight it has been to view the schoolphotoʹs on the OSA website. It is hard toimagine one left nearly 37 years ago - the picturesrecall vivid memories, all the namescome flooding back. Many thanks to thosewho have put so much effort into creating thissplendid pool of information.I wonder, do you happen to have a list of whois doing what, in my year? John Fielder forexample? It would be good to know how theyall fared.If one could have part of life over again mychoice would be SHBS - and to make muchmore of it second time around.P.S. Yours truly is standing immediately behindHWM in the ʹ59 school photograph!Richard Stevens writes fromKirk Michael, Isle of Man(1963-70)Good to receive the latest Summer Times. TheAlchemist photo has caused much interest itseems - I have a copy of the programme forthe performance - I will send you a copy -should help identify the remaining people.The tall one on the right is me - so you can atleast remove one question mark. I also havesome old rugby team photos that I will try tosend one of these days. There seems to be adisappointing level of contribution from myera at SBHS - 1964 to 1970 - rarely any messagesor articles - I recognise only one namefrom the list of emails published. One of thesedays I will pen a contribution.Mike Lester writes fromStaintondale (1949-57)Congratulations on a another stunning magazine.Have not had time to explore thoroughlyas yet, but will eventually. Is the ChristmasDinner members only or are wives and sweetheartsinvited?(Editor: Members only Mike. But othermembers have suggested opening up functionsin future years. There seems to be aminority in favour at present – but you willbe pleased to hear that there will be a jointdinner with the SGHS this year to whichspouses may be invited – see the enclosedorder form)Geoffrey Wilson writes fromBirmingham (1953-61)I have kept in occasional touch via my elderbrother, John D Wilson (circa 1944-51) whohas been a member for many years; thought itwas about time I started to ʹlook backʹ!

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