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AUSER'S MANUALONPORTABLE FRP CARP HATCHERYB. C. MohapatraBikash SarkarK. K. SharmaN. Sarangi '<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Freshwater Aquaculture(Indian Council <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research)Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar - 751002, Ortssa, India

Copyright Q 2008, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Freshwater Aquaculture.Kausalyaganga, BhubaneswarAll rights resewed. Neither this booklet not any part is reproducedor transmitted in any form or by any means, electr<strong>on</strong>ic ormechanical, including photocopying, micr<strong>of</strong>ilming, and recordingor informati<strong>on</strong> storage and retrieval system, without permissi<strong>on</strong> inwriting from the publisher.First Editi<strong>on</strong> : 2008Published By: Director<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Freshwater Aquaculture(Indian Council <strong>of</strong>Agricultura1 Research)Kausalyaganga. Bhubaneswar-751 002, OrissaPh<strong>on</strong>e:0674-2465421; 2465404; 2465446Fax:0674-1465407Email:cifa@or~.nic.inWebsite: http://www.stepbh.s<strong>of</strong>t.netlcifaPrinted in: lndiaPrinted at: Cornpacta Sales (P) Ltd.75lA, BJB Nagar, BhubaneswarOrissa, lndiaTel. : 0674-2310959,3293623Email: compacta~in@yahoo.com

FOREWORDFreshwater aquaculture in lnd~a has witnessw significant development+ ' with an annual growth rate <strong>of</strong> over 6 % during the last decade and at %*country has tosustain a simliar growth in years to come The most basic and .: important comp<strong>on</strong>ent <strong>of</strong> aquaculture is qual~ty fish seed To accomp,,sh ;thls, hatcher~es have underg<strong>on</strong>e a number <strong>of</strong> mod~ficati<strong>on</strong>s for producti<strong>on</strong><strong>of</strong> better seed AICRP <strong>on</strong> APA center at CIFA has developed FiberglassReinforced Plastic (FRP) <strong>hatchery</strong> which can be transported from <strong>on</strong>e placeto another for easy accessib~lity and timely producti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> quality fish seedThis FRP <strong>hatchery</strong> technology has been released as a technology package by ,1, CIFA in ZOO6 and suitable for producing 1 0 1 2 milli<strong>on</strong> <strong>carp</strong> spawn in <strong>on</strong>esuccessful operatt<strong>on</strong> This FRP <strong>hatchery</strong> has got wide adopti<strong>on</strong> am<strong>on</strong>g theusers and several <strong>hatchery</strong> units are be~ng installed at d~fferent parts <strong>of</strong> the'country At present technology is being managed through CIFA, and'.sometimes sclentlst and engineer from the lnstltute need to go to installand operate it <strong>on</strong> site Being the demand IS increasing day by day, it -becomes very difficult to go every place for the purpose To heip the usersto Instail and operate <strong>hatchery</strong> themselves, a Users Manual <strong>on</strong> "Portable 1, FRP Carp Hatchery" is being brought out This <str<strong>on</strong>g>manual</str<strong>on</strong>g> is self explanatoryand showlng the whole procedures <strong>of</strong> <strong>hatchery</strong> unlt installat~<strong>on</strong> and. assembly through pictorial as well as text presentati<strong>on</strong>s It also dep~cts the-- %<strong>hatchery</strong> operati<strong>on</strong> procedures through various steps and Provides the, minor repalring procedures, wh~ch would be helpful tousersI am thankful to AlCRP <strong>on</strong> APA for f~nancial support and authors for bring~ngoutth~sveryuseful<str<strong>on</strong>g>manual</str<strong>on</strong>g>7- '7--,$ Kausalyaganga N. Saransi -%;*7th June 2038Director

A'ForewordIntroducti<strong>on</strong>A WhyFRP 1i .Hatchery Comp<strong>on</strong>ents 2Salient Features 4. Hatchery Capacity 4Steps <strong>of</strong> Hatchery Operati<strong>on</strong> 6Installati<strong>on</strong> and Assembly 7Repairing <strong>of</strong> FRP Products 11Do's and D<strong>on</strong>'t Do's12",$d~,;Y*.%'I," 5\>"L. i,&.*- I,"-k;y.'5- ":&' 4' **' >.+. -'A4.

Introducti<strong>on</strong>Earlier part <strong>of</strong> 20'h century has witnessed the <strong>carp</strong> seed collecti<strong>on</strong>from bundhs and riverine resources by different devices andcollecti<strong>on</strong> methods. In India for the first time in 1957 <strong>carp</strong>s wereinduced bred in captivity by administering <strong>carp</strong> (fish) pituitaryextract. The breeding <strong>of</strong> <strong>carp</strong>s, hatching <strong>of</strong> eggs and rearing <strong>of</strong>hatchlings up to spawn stage were carried out in differentrectangular hapa. They were fixed in the p<strong>on</strong>d for clear oxygenatedwater. In hapa system, the entire operati<strong>on</strong>s were weatherdependent and subjected to various envir<strong>on</strong>mental hazards. Duringseventies, glass jar hatching units <strong>of</strong> various capacities weredeslgned and made to use successfully for hatching purposes. Thesystem had its own demerits for commercial seed producti<strong>on</strong>.During eighties, the Chinese <strong>carp</strong> <strong>hatchery</strong> technology got familiarin Ind~a. During nineties, different models <strong>of</strong> hatcheries withdifferent materials (HDPE, PVC, LDPE liner, Ferro-cement, etc, invarious shapes and sizes) came to the existence w~th certaindegrees <strong>of</strong> success at research level, but, they could not be used forcommercial seed producti<strong>on</strong>. Keeping in mind the needs <strong>of</strong> seedproducti<strong>on</strong> in farmers fieid, the Co-operating Centre <strong>of</strong> ICAR-AICRP<strong>on</strong> Applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Plastics in Agriculture at CIFA, Bhubaneswar hasdes~gned and developed the complete unit <strong>of</strong> <strong>hatchery</strong> system inFRP for <strong>carp</strong> fish breeding and <strong>hatchery</strong> rearing <strong>of</strong> seed. The FRP<strong>carp</strong> <strong>hatchery</strong> technology got commercial~zed and released to thenati<strong>on</strong> durlng 2006. Then after several <strong>hatchery</strong> units arecommissi<strong>on</strong>ed for operati<strong>on</strong> in different locati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the country.C<strong>on</strong>stant demand exists for supply <strong>of</strong> hatcheries to different fishseed producers. To make aware the users <strong>of</strong> the technology, for easyinstallati<strong>on</strong>, dismantling, operati<strong>on</strong> and precauti<strong>on</strong>s to be takenhave been described in brief with simple words and figures.inforced Plastic (GRP), which is popularly known asFRP has emerged as an important class <strong>of</strong> c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> materia! formaking load bearing structures and products. The Glass ReinforcedPlastic (GRP) composites have several properties and characteristic

features that make them to stand above all other c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>almaterials both in their performance efficiency and manufacturingadaptability. Some <strong>of</strong> these attributes are as follows:J Fibrous composites have generally high specific strengthand specific modulusJ Composites are multifuncti<strong>on</strong>al materialsJ Composites are generally energy efficientJ Composites generally can be made corrosi<strong>on</strong> and weatherresistantJ Composites can be designed to give properties for specificdesign c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.' Proper orientati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> fibres and directi<strong>on</strong>al properties canbe obtainedJ Products <strong>of</strong> complex shapes can be easily molded withoutany material wastageHatchery Comp<strong>on</strong>entsThe FRP <strong>carp</strong> <strong>hatchery</strong> unit c<strong>on</strong>sists the following:1. Breeding1 spawning pool2. Hatching1 incubpti<strong>on</strong> pool3. Egg1 spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank, and4. Overhead storage tank1 water supply systemBreeding1 Spawning PoolShape: Cylindro-verticalDiameter: 21 50 mmHeight: 900 mmTotal volume: 3409 IOperati<strong>on</strong>al volume: 2950 1Bottom slope at the centre: 1: 22Wall thickness: 6.0 + 0.5 mmDuck mouth: Five numbers (I 5 mm diameter - Rigid PVC) fixed innerside at bottom <strong>of</strong> the pool in clockwisedirect~<strong>on</strong>Main water inlet: 25 mm diameter <strong>of</strong> GI1 PVC pipeWater sprinkler: One stainless steel1 plastic shower (Std. size)Breedingcapacity: 10 - 12 kg <strong>of</strong> <strong>carp</strong>sin normal c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>sWater flow rate: 1-1.5 lI sec, depending<strong>on</strong>species B weightFittings: All the pipes and fittings as per IS1 standard

Hatching1 Incubati<strong>on</strong> PoolOuter ChamberShape: Cylindro-verticalDiameter: 1400 mmHeight: 980 mmTotal volume: 1400 1Net egg incubati<strong>on</strong> volume: 1200 1 (Space between outer andinner chamber)Side slope at the wall: 1 : 12Wall thickness: 5.5 i 0.5 mmDuck mouth: Five 15 mm diameter - rig~d PVC at the bottom <strong>of</strong>the pool in clockwise direct~<strong>on</strong> placedl fixed in between innerand outer chamberMain water inlet: 25 mm diameter <strong>of</strong> GI/ PVC pipe c<strong>on</strong>nected toali duck mouths at outer bottom wall <strong>of</strong> the poolWater sprinkler: Onestainlesssteel/ plastic shower (Std. size)Hatchingcapacity: 1 .O - 1.2 milli<strong>on</strong> eggs per operati<strong>on</strong>Water flow rate: 0.3 - 0.4 I1 sec. depending <strong>on</strong> egg quantity/volumeHatching tlme: 14 - 18 hand remain in the pool for 72 h.Inner ChamberSocket diameter: 400 mmHeight: 890 mmChamber cover: Nyl<strong>on</strong> bolting cloth <strong>of</strong> 0.25 mm meshEgg/ Spawn Collecti<strong>on</strong> TankShape: RectangularSize: 1000 x 500x 500 mmTotal volume: 250 1Operati<strong>on</strong>al volume: 225 1Wall thickness: 3.5 i 0.5 mmReinforce: Reinforced with MS angle <strong>of</strong> 25 x 25 x 5 mm at all sidesfrom the bottom at a height <strong>of</strong> 350 mm to avoid deflecti<strong>on</strong>Level <strong>of</strong> water: 450 mm in the tankWater outlet: Rigid PVC pipe <strong>of</strong> 63 mm diametk and 150 mmLength is fitted at a distance<strong>of</strong> 387 mm from the bottom

Overhead TankOne tank <strong>of</strong> 2000 l or 2 tanks <strong>of</strong> 1OOO l capacity each can solve thepurpose. One 1.0 HP pump set is required to fill the storage tankperiodically to supply water to <strong>hatchery</strong>. Based <strong>on</strong> the capacity <strong>of</strong>the <strong>hatchery</strong> and operati<strong>on</strong>al needs, the storage capacity is to bedecided.Fittings: All the pipes and fittings as per IS1 standardSalient Features4 Easy to transport4 Easy toinstall4 Easy todismantle4 High abrasi<strong>on</strong> resistance4 Light in weightIMaintenance freeEasy to repairEasy for operati<strong>on</strong>Suitable for small andmarginal farmersDurable for 10-1 5 yearsHatchery unit <strong>of</strong> "<strong>on</strong>e milli<strong>on</strong> spawn producti<strong>on</strong> per operati<strong>on</strong>"c<strong>on</strong>sists <strong>of</strong> <strong>on</strong>e breeding pool associated with <strong>on</strong>e hatching pool. Inthis <strong>hatchery</strong> the spawn (final product from <strong>hatchery</strong>) is harvested<strong>on</strong> 4th day during operatibn. Because the fertilized eggs are kept inhatching pool for incubati<strong>on</strong> and it takes 14-18 hours for hatching,and then after 72 hours for transformati<strong>on</strong> to spawn. Thus four daysare required for spawn producti<strong>on</strong> from <strong>on</strong>e milli<strong>on</strong> capacity unit.Similarly <strong>hatchery</strong> for "two milli<strong>on</strong> spawn capacity" means <strong>on</strong>ebreeding pool associated with two hatching pools and "three milli<strong>on</strong>capacity" includes <strong>on</strong>e breeding pool with three hatching pools. Incase <strong>of</strong> two milli<strong>on</strong> capacity <strong>hatchery</strong>, the eggs produced from twoc<strong>on</strong>secutive fish breeding operati<strong>on</strong>s can be incubated in twohatching pools, thus two times the seed can be harvested (totalingto two milli<strong>on</strong> seed producti<strong>on</strong> from twooperati<strong>on</strong>s) i.e., <strong>on</strong> 4th and5th days from initial <strong>hatchery</strong> operati<strong>on</strong>. Once <strong>on</strong>e hatching pool isfreeafter harvest, the next breeding programme can be taken up. Incase <strong>of</strong> three milli<strong>on</strong> capacity <strong>hatchery</strong>, three times the seed can beharvested (totaling to three milli<strong>on</strong> seed producti<strong>on</strong> from threeoperati<strong>on</strong>s) i.e., <strong>on</strong> 4th, 5th and 6th days from initiati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>hatchery</strong>operati<strong>on</strong>. Then after operati<strong>on</strong>s can c<strong>on</strong>tinue with serialharvesting <strong>of</strong> spawn from hatching pools.

8 .Layout diagram <strong>of</strong> FRP Carp Hatchery(with <strong>on</strong>e breeding pool and <strong>on</strong>e hatching pool)Layout diagram <strong>of</strong> FRP Carp Hatchery(with <strong>on</strong>e breeding pool and three hatching pools), .,,, \, ., , , ,,, 8 , ,+ih

St-<strong>of</strong> Hatchery Operati<strong>on</strong>Step-lStep-ll:Clean the breeding and hatching pools by potassiumpermanganate (KMnO,) soluti<strong>on</strong> and then by waterbefore the <strong>hatchery</strong>operati<strong>on</strong>.:Close the outlet valve <strong>of</strong> breeding pool and then fill itwith desired water level<strong>of</strong> water. Fix a clean cott<strong>on</strong> hapainside it.Step-Ill :Collect fish breeders (male to female ratio in 1:1),transport them to breeding pool, place them in hapa andrun theshower(s) for c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>~ng.Step4 :After 1-2 hours <strong>of</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ing, inject the breeders withsuitable inducing agents and dose, release them to thebreeding pool, remove the hapa and run theshower(s).Step-VStep-VIStep.VII:After 4-5 hours <strong>of</strong> injecti<strong>on</strong>, allow water flow1circulat~<strong>on</strong> in the breeding pool, open the outlet valve,allow the water to pass from breeding pool through thehapa <strong>of</strong> the egg1 spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank to the outside. Ifeggs released from the fishes, collect them in hapain theegg/ spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank. Create water current in thebreeding pool by regulating the water flow through theinlets and outlet.: In hatching pool fix the screen <strong>on</strong> the inner chamber FRPsocket, fix the PVC drain pipe in the center <strong>of</strong> the tank todrain excess water, maintain the height <strong>of</strong> the drain pipein the pool at 900 mm or as needed so that up to thatheight water level is maintained, give water circulati<strong>on</strong>in the egg incubati<strong>on</strong> chamber through duck-mouths(inlets).: Collect the released eggs from the egg1 spawn collecti<strong>on</strong>tank by hapa time to time, measure them, release themin the egg incubati<strong>on</strong> chamber <strong>of</strong> the hatching pool. Theegg releasegenerally stopswithin 8-10 hr from injecti<strong>on</strong>.

Step-VIII :Remove the breeders from breeding pool <strong>on</strong>ce thebreeding is over, release them to the p<strong>on</strong>d after dippingin 5 ppm KMnO, soluti<strong>on</strong>; clean the breeding pool byKMnO, soluti<strong>on</strong> and then by water.Step-IX5tep.XStep.XI: On release <strong>of</strong> eggs maintain the flow rate in the hatchingpool in such a way that the eggs float in the water (can bechecked by putting light from a torch from the top <strong>of</strong>water), periodically check the eggs1 spawn, clean thefiltering mesh by a brush with l<strong>on</strong>g handle from the inners~de <strong>of</strong> inner chamber toavoid waterchoking.:On 4"' day from egg release, collect the spawn throughhapa in the eggl spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank by opening theoutlet valve c<strong>on</strong>nected to the outer wall <strong>of</strong> the hatchingpool. Provide mild water circulati<strong>on</strong> in the pool duringspawn collecti<strong>on</strong>.:After spawn removal clean the hatching pool and theeggl spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank by KMnO, soluti<strong>on</strong> and thenby water.Installati<strong>on</strong> and AssemblyProper installati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the <strong>hatchery</strong> unit in <strong>on</strong>e place for a l<strong>on</strong>gerperiod requires a platform <strong>of</strong> size 6.0 x 4.0 m. Make the height <strong>of</strong> theplatform in such a way that the eggl spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> pipes comingout <strong>of</strong> breeding and hatching pools placed <strong>on</strong> the platform can berested <strong>on</strong> the egg1 spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank which is kept at groundlevel. For better collecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> egg/ spawn, maintain the height <strong>of</strong>the platform at about 0.5 m from ground level. For stabilityc<strong>on</strong>struct the periphery walls <strong>of</strong> the platform with bricks1 st<strong>on</strong>esand fill it with course sand. If the <strong>hatchery</strong> needs repeated shifting,platform c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> is not required. Sand filling below thebreeding pool is required for providing better foundati<strong>on</strong> to thepool. In case <strong>of</strong> 1:l ratio <strong>hatchery</strong> unit (<strong>on</strong>e breeding pool with <strong>on</strong>e<strong>hatchery</strong> pool) the water supply to the unit may be provided with25mm (ASTM) pipe from storage tank. In case <strong>of</strong> 1:3 unit it may bethrough 50mm (ASTM) pipe for getting required water flow.

Keep the breeding pool <strong>on</strong> theplatform (possibly to the leftside <strong>of</strong> the platform). Its bottomoutlet pipe should face towardsthe egg/ spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tankFix the main water inlet and allthe duck mouths <strong>on</strong> the innerside wall <strong>of</strong> the pool in clockwisedirecti<strong>on</strong>Fix the egg collecti<strong>on</strong> pipe to thesocket provided at the bottom <strong>of</strong>the pool-.Fix the ball valve to the pipe linefor c<strong>on</strong>trol <strong>of</strong> water flowtFixthe overflow pipe to thesocket provided <strong>on</strong> the outerside wall <strong>of</strong> the pool

<strong>Central</strong> water c<strong>on</strong>trol valveC<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> to duck-mouthsC<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> to 25 mm inlet: Fix the central inleti assembly (water c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong>? lines for duck mouth, 25mme line and to shower)C<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> to showerFix the shower <strong>on</strong> the top <strong>of</strong> the pool tothe pipeline which is c<strong>on</strong>nected to thecentral inlet assemblyKept the hatching pool <strong>on</strong> theplatform at a distance <strong>of</strong> 0.5-0.6m from, and <strong>on</strong> the right side <strong>of</strong>'the breeding pool. Its outlet pipeshould face towards the egg/spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank. Whileinstalling, tilt the pool slightlytowards the side wall outlet pipe<strong>of</strong> the pool for easy collecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>spawn.

IFix the central inlet pipeline forsupplying water flow to duckmouths and showerFix the central outtet pipe withthe socket provided at thebottom <strong>of</strong> the pool. Fix theinner chamber wall by pushfitting <strong>on</strong> the socket providedat the bottomFix the duck mouths to thenipple provided <strong>on</strong> the bottom<strong>of</strong> the pool in clockwisedirecti<strong>on</strong>Cover the inner chamber wallwith nyl<strong>on</strong>-bolting cloth during<strong>hatchery</strong>operati<strong>on</strong>.

Place the tank <strong>on</strong> the ground andbelow the platform. The positi<strong>on</strong><strong>of</strong> the tank should be in betweenbreeding and hatching pools. Thetank has to be buried to theground as per requirement, andif the level <strong>of</strong> the platform andtank is not uniform. Fix a cott<strong>on</strong>hapa inside the tank during eggs/spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> time.Place overhead tank at a height <strong>of</strong>3.0 m from ground level. C<strong>on</strong>nectthe breeding and hatching poolswith overhead tank for supply <strong>of</strong>water to the <strong>hatchery</strong>.Repairinq<strong>of</strong> FRP ProductsIf any portl<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the product is damaged or broken or leaked, thefollowing steps are to be adopted for repair.Step-l : Cut the damaged porti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> FRP with metal cutting handtools/ Jig saw and give appropriate shape. Trim the edgeswith course hand file.Step-ll : Fix required size <strong>of</strong> plywood <strong>on</strong> the inner side, wheresmooth finish is required. Be sure, before fixing, plywoodshould be wax coated (Automotive wax), and after fewhours apply PVAcoat, which act as a releasing agent. Thenallow few hours for dryingStep-Ill : Mix the gel resin first with color pigments (lo%), add 1-2%accelerator (Cobalt naphthanate) to this mixture, thenadd 2% catalyst (MEK) peroxide and mix them again. Brush'I

the resin mixture in a thick coat. Wait at least 4.6 hoursfor curing.Step-IV : Apply resin coat with accelerator (1 -2%) and catalyst (2%)over the gel coat.Step-V : Cut chopped strand mat slightly larger than the requiredsize with scissors.Step-VI : Apply first layer <strong>of</strong> glass fibre1 over the resin coat, whichhas just been covered with resin. Lay it down from <strong>on</strong>eside to prevent air bubbles from being trapped in to it.Pull out all wrinklesfrom the laminates.Step-VII : Place additi<strong>on</strong>al layers <strong>of</strong> material either chopped strandmatt woven roving (3001 450 g/ml) over the product inthe same manner as the first <strong>on</strong>es.Step.VIII: Add final coat <strong>of</strong> resin with colours (10%) after thelaminate is cured. This coat is needed to get a betterfinish <strong>on</strong> theouterside<strong>of</strong> the product.Do's and D<strong>on</strong>'t Do's iJ Check alignment <strong>of</strong> the pools and tank while installati<strong>on</strong>4 Use mallet in stead <strong>of</strong> hammer during fittings <strong>of</strong> the jointsJ Clean <strong>hatchery</strong> with KMnO, soluti<strong>on</strong> and water before and afteroperati<strong>on</strong>J Use water free from any tree leaves, grasses or waste materialsto avoid clogging <strong>of</strong> duck mouths. Clean the clogged duckmouths with old hacksaw bladei Be sure that the egg1 spawn collecti<strong>on</strong> tank is full with waterbefore collecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> egg1 spawnMild water flow is required in hatching pool while collecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>egg1 spawn4 Open outlet c<strong>on</strong>trol valves slowly during the <strong>hatchery</strong> operati<strong>on</strong>.' Use M-Seal to stop minor leakage in FRP structure4 While cleaning1 washing uses<strong>of</strong>t cloth1 sp<strong>on</strong>ge4 Avoid any corrosive chemicalsduring cleaning/ washing4 D<strong>on</strong>'t expose the <strong>hatchery</strong> unit to direct sunlight for l<strong>on</strong>g period4 D<strong>on</strong>'t allow cattle and other animals near to the unit. They maydamage the structures/ pipelines.

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