Tender Document for Catering Services for Hostel 10 IIT Bombay

Tender Document for Catering Services for Hostel 10 IIT Bombay Tender Document for Catering Services for Hostel 10 IIT Bombay

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Tender Document for Catering Services for Hostel 10 IIT BombayWe are in the process of selection of a catering contractor for the mess in the Hostel 10 on thecampus. The terms and conditions on which the contract is to be awarded are given in thefollowing pages and are divided under the following headings:1) Terms and conditions for catering contract of Hostel 10 mess along with responsibilitiesof caterer.2) Rules pertaining to the daily functioning of the mess.3) General structure of the menu.4) Representative mess menu.5) Penalties for violation of mess rules.6) Application for Contract for Hostel 10, to be submitted to the undersigned on separatesealed envelope mentioning “Hostel 10 mess quotation”.1. You are welcome to inspect the Hostel mess premises with prior appointment with ourHall manager of Hostel 10, who can be contacted on Telephone No. 022-25722545,Extension No.5710.2. In case you are interested in the above mess contract please submit the following:a) Technical bid in the Performa provided on page 11 and containing documents asstated in page 12.b) Commercial bid containing the rates (per head per day) to be charged, presented inthe format provided on page 13.These should be submitted in two SEPARATE envelopes super scribed as “Technical Bid” and“Commercial Bid”. Both these envelopes must reach the Office of Dean, Student Affairs, 1stFloor, Main Building, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai -400 076 by 3.00 p.m. on July 26 th 2011.Submission of technical and commercial bids in a single envelope shall lead to disqualification.Opening of Technical Bid will be on 26 th July 2011 5:00 PM and opening of Commercial Bidwill be on announced later.Names of the parties shortlisted on the basis of technical bid will be published onhttp://www.iitb.ac.in/students/hostel10.html. If you are shortlisted, then you may attend theopening of commercial bid on the above mentioned date and time at such venue as may be givenon the webpage.The caterer should preferably have experience of catering in an establishment capacity of fewhundreds. Only those caterers who have establishment in Mumbai adjoining areas shall beconsidered .1

<strong>Tender</strong> <strong>Document</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Catering</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> <strong>IIT</strong> <strong>Bombay</strong>We are in the process of selection of a catering contractor <strong>for</strong> the mess in the <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> on thecampus. The terms and conditions on which the contract is to be awarded are given in thefollowing pages and are divided under the following headings:1) Terms and conditions <strong>for</strong> catering contract of <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> mess along with responsibilitiesof caterer.2) Rules pertaining to the daily functioning of the mess.3) General structure of the menu.4) Representative mess menu.5) Penalties <strong>for</strong> violation of mess rules.6) Application <strong>for</strong> Contract <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong>, to be submitted to the undersigned on separatesealed envelope mentioning “<strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> mess quotation”.1. You are welcome to inspect the <strong>Hostel</strong> mess premises with prior appointment with ourHall manager of <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong>, who can be contacted on Telephone No. 022-25722545,Extension No.57<strong>10</strong>.2. In case you are interested in the above mess contract please submit the following:a) Technical bid in the Per<strong>for</strong>ma provided on page 11 and containing documents asstated in page 12.b) Commercial bid containing the rates (per head per day) to be charged, presented inthe <strong>for</strong>mat provided on page 13.These should be submitted in two SEPARATE envelopes super scribed as “Technical Bid” and“Commercial Bid”. Both these envelopes must reach the Office of Dean, Student Affairs, 1stFloor, Main Building, <strong>IIT</strong> <strong>Bombay</strong>, Powai, Mumbai -400 076 by 3.00 p.m. on July 26 th 2011.Submission of technical and commercial bids in a single envelope shall lead to disqualification.Opening of Technical Bid will be on 26 th July 2011 5:00 PM and opening of Commercial Bidwill be on announced later.Names of the parties shortlisted on the basis of technical bid will be published onhttp://www.iitb.ac.in/students/hostel<strong>10</strong>.html. If you are shortlisted, then you may attend theopening of commercial bid on the above mentioned date and time at such venue as may be givenon the webpage.The caterer should preferably have experience of catering in an establishment capacity of fewhundreds. Only those caterers who have establishment in Mumbai adjoining areas shall beconsidered .1

MESS CATERING CONTRACT FOR HOSTEL <strong>10</strong> - TERMS & CONDITIONS1. The Mess in <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> on the campus consists of a kitchen and a dining hall. The importantterms and Conditions are listed below <strong>for</strong> convenience.2. The Contract Agreement would be initially <strong>for</strong> a period of 12 months and subsequently, maybe renewed every year <strong>for</strong> an additional period of one year or part, subject to satisfactoryper<strong>for</strong>mance.3. A refundable, interest free Bank Guarantee of Rs.<strong>10</strong>,00,000/- from a scheduled nationalizedbank will be required from the catering contractor within 15 days of execution of this agreementtill the revocation or termination of the agreement. The institute reserves the right to en<strong>for</strong>ce thebank guarantee deposited as security <strong>for</strong> non-compliance of any provisions of the terms andconditions laid down in the agreement <strong>for</strong> any implication arising out of rules and regulations inen<strong>for</strong>cement by the statutory body/ competent authority. The bank guarantee/ deposit shall beextended / renewed simultaneously with any extension/ renewal of the agreement.4. The catering contractor has to pay a sum of Rs. <strong>10</strong>00/- per month towards the use of saidpremises <strong>for</strong> the first year and at such rate as may be fixed by the Institute <strong>for</strong> the subsequentyears.5. The institute will provide to the contractor <strong>for</strong> operating the mess of <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> water at acharge of Rs 500/- per month.6. Food Quality (Hygiene and taste) are the essence of the contract.7. The said premises shall be used only <strong>for</strong> the purpose of business of catering services and <strong>for</strong>no other purpose. The contractor shall not reside or permit anyone else to reside in the saidpremises.8. The contractor shall not part with possession of the said premises or any part thereof or allowsanyone else to use the same <strong>for</strong> any business or purpose whatsoever.9. The contractor shall not throw any refuse or garbage or any dirt out of the premises or in thestreets or in the vicinity of the said building.<strong>10</strong>. The contractor shall not make any addition, variation or alteration in the said premises or anypart thereof.11. The contractor shall not store or keep any hazardous and/or inflammable or combustiblegoods or substances in or around the said premises.12. The contractor shall not do or omit to do any act which may invalidate or in any way affectthe issuance on the institute`s said property or which may render the Institute`s liability to payextra or excess insurance premium.13. In case any excess or extra insurance premium is or has been paid or is payable by thecontractor on any account of any act or omission on the part of the contractor or on account ofthe said premises on the nature of the business carried on therein or on account of the nature ofshortages or use of any goods in the said premises, to pay such excess or extra insurancepremium <strong>for</strong>thwith to the institute on demand.14. The contractor shall make good any damages of any kind whatsoever caused to the saidpremises or any part thereof or to any other part of the said building on account of any act oromission either of the contractor or any of his employees or any of the contractor`s visitors orcustomers irrespective of whatever the damage caused is willful or accidental.15. The contractor shall remove himself from the said premises with all belongings and leave itentirely vacant on the revocation or termination of the license, but subject to what is statedhereinabove.2

16. The contractor shall observe all municipal and government regulations in <strong>for</strong>ce from time totime in relation to the use of the said business and be responsible <strong>for</strong> any violation of any suchrules.17. The contractor shall not become or cause any nuisance or annoyance in any way either to theInstitute or to the other occupants of the building in the campus and it is agreed that the decisionof the Institute whether the contractor has caused nuisance or annoyance shall be final andconclusive and the contractor shall not question or challenge the said decision of the Licensor.18. The contractor shall maintain the Mess of <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> premises, furniture, utensils, crockeryand cutlery in clean and hygienic condition to the satisfaction of the committee appointed by theInstitute and/or Office authorized. The decision of the committee in this respect shall be final.Housekeeping/ Sanitary equipments and consumable will be the responsibility of the contractor.19. The contractor shall allow the Institute, its servants or agents at all times to enter upon and toview the said premises and the condition thereof.20. The contractor shall not make use of the premises <strong>for</strong> any illegal, immoral or unlawfulpurposes.21. The contractor shall obtain requisite police and/or government or municipal Licenses, if anyrequired <strong>for</strong> the purpose of carrying on the contractor business and abide by all the terms of thelicense so issued to the contractor.22. The contractor will take appropriate safety measures against outbreak of fire and will be heldresponsible in case of such an incident occurring.23. The contractor will not sell any alcoholic beverages/ cigarettes nor permit any person to bringit from outside <strong>for</strong> the purpose of drinking/ smoking along with other food articles which may besold.24. The contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the <strong>Bombay</strong> Shops & EstablishmentAct, Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, the Employees Provident Fund act, 1952, theContract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the rules there under, MinimumWages Act and any other Acts/ Rules that may be applicable to him from time to time and heshall keep the institute indemnified against all liabilities and responsibilities <strong>for</strong> the contractor`snon-compliance of the provisions of the said Acts, and Schemes and in particular, lawsgoverning employer-employee relations in respect of the staff engaged by the contractor.25. If the contractor expires/ or adjudicated insolvent or suffers from a state of unsound mind, inthe event the license created by the institute shall stand terminated automatically.26. The contractor shall at his own cost, maintain adequate stocks of food grain, grocery andother eatables <strong>for</strong> the satisfactory and efficient running of the mess. The quality of the foodstuffsand eatables shall be as per the standard required by the Institute, as mentioned at Annexure-Ashall be used and the same will be subjected to inspection by any officer authorized by thecommittee appointed by the institute.27. Contractor must submit all necessary statutory documents, as stated on page 12.28. In the event of award of the contract, the contractor should register himself with the RegionalLabour Commissioner (Central), Mumbai as a contractor under the Contract Labour RegulationAct and obtain a Labour License and complete all required <strong>for</strong>malities.29. The Caterer shall not employ child labour and upon violation legal action would be taken.30. The approximate strength of mess members is expected to be a minimum of 400 studentsduring regular semester (January to April and end of July to November) and 150 during rest ofthe months.3

31. The weekly menu, price of extra food items and any other requirements provisions would bedetermined by the Committee and the Student Council in consultation with the caterer.32. No food cooked may be taken out of the premises without prior permission.33. Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian food will be cooked and served separately.34. Major civil and electrical works will be attended to by <strong>IIT</strong>. Minor maintenance jobs such asreplacement of light bulbs, tube lights etc. are the responsibility of the catering contractor.35. Security of licensed premises, equipment, fittings and fixtures, furniture etc. is theresponsibility of the catering contractor.36. A Changing/resting room will be provided to the workmen of the caterer.37. The caterer shall attend a monthly meeting of the mess committee, failing which penalty willbe imposed.38. No more than 2 male cooks or workers shall be allowed to work in <strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> mess.39. The Institute shall provide to the Contractor Kitchen equipment, Domestic gas cylinder bankand dining hall furniture, service counters, cooking utensils, crockery, cutlery etc. and theContractor will execute a proper receipt in favour of the Institute in the respect of all sucharticles given by the Institute. Refilling of cylinders provided is the responsibility of the caterer.The ordinary wear and tear of the equipment will be attended to by the Institute either throughperiodic maintenance contract, or any other arrangement.41. The Contractor shall render, at the end of every three months, an account of kitchenequipment, utensils, furniture, fittings, etc., given to him by the Institute and any officer dulyauthorized by the Institute shall have a right to inspect and check such kitchen equipment,utensils, furniture fittings etc.42. The Contractor shall not remove any item supplied to him outside the premises of theInstitute either <strong>for</strong> the above purpose of repairs or otherwise without the express permission inwriting from the Institute.43. The Contractor shall employ at their own cost and expenses sufficient and competent staff asmay be reasonably required <strong>for</strong> the fulfillment of the Contractor’s obligations and shall give theirprofessional expert guidance and supervision to the work. The Contractor or his representativeshall maintain liaison with the authorized Committee appointed by the Institute and/or Officerand if in the opinion of the Institute any staff or supervisor of Contractor is found unsuitable, theContractor shall be liable to change the staff/supervisor <strong>for</strong>thwith.44. The Contractor shall ensure that he and his personnel adhere to the Institute’s StandingOrders.45. The Contractor will provide uni<strong>for</strong>ms to his employees employed in the Mess at his owncost. The uni<strong>for</strong>ms supplied by the Contractor should be clean and in good conditions.Washing/Laundry charges will be borne by the Contractor. Uni<strong>for</strong>ms will have to be approved bythe <strong>IIT</strong> Committee/Authorized Officer.46. The employees of the Contractor shall be in the employment of the Contractor only and notthe Institute. The Contractor shall be solely responsible <strong>for</strong> any loss or damage cause to theInstitute by his employees. He shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> payment of wages and all other duebenefits to his employees.47. The Contractor shall ensure that the provisions of Minimum Wages Act are followed by him.The Institute will not the responsible <strong>for</strong> paying enhanced wages to the workers of thecontractor's.48. The Contractor agrees to cover all employees engaged by him under ESI as well as EPF asper provision of Acts and shall submit necessary records and return in proof of compliance of4

these statutory enactments. The Contractor shall be solely responsible <strong>for</strong> any violation of laborlaws and any penalty imposed <strong>for</strong> such violation by an appropriate authority.49. If the Institute makes any payment towards any liability of the contractor, the Institute has theright to recover the same from the contractor's bill.59. The final rate offered by the contractor based on the sample menu (copy enclosed) inAnnexure – B i.e. Inclusive of taxes as applicable, per student, per day <strong>for</strong> four meals (Breakfast,Lunch, Tiffin and Dinner) will remain valid <strong>for</strong> 12 months. However, the same will be reviewedby the Institute if the cost of ingredients goes up steeply after minimum period of 8 months.60. Institute would constitute an appropriate committee to oversee the functioning of the mess.62. No electricity charges will be paid by the Contractor.63. The quality of raw material, prepared food will be maintained by the Contractor and it will bemonitored by the <strong>Hostel</strong> Management Committee.64. The Institute reserve the right to terminate this agreement in any of the following events:-i) If service rendered by the Contractor is found unsatisfactory;ii) If the quality of raw material, prepared food is found poor; andiii) If no hygiene is maintained by the Contractor in and around the premises.SPECIAL CONDITIONS(a) The Contractor and his employees shall obtain medical certificate of physical fitnesscertificate from Registered Medical Practitioner. Also, when called upon by the Institute subjectthemselves to medical examination by the Medical Officer of the Institute.(c) The Contractor shall submit the mess bill of the previous month latest by the <strong>10</strong>th of everymonth to the <strong>Hostel</strong> Management Committee.(d) The <strong>Hostel</strong> Management Committee shall pay the Contractor towards the bill within sevendays after receipt of the bill.(e) The Contractor shall be levied fines as per details enclosed herein in Annexure-C. The finesetc. as mentioned therein shall be levied in case of default.(f) The Contractor shall abide by the terms and rules as mentioned in Annexure-B.5

<strong>Hostel</strong> <strong>10</strong> Mess, <strong>IIT</strong> <strong>Bombay</strong> (Annexure B)Rules pertaining to the daily functioning of mess.The detailed menu (subject to small modifications during the tenure of the contract) is given inthe table that follows.1. The timings <strong>for</strong> serving food shall be as follows:Breakfast- 8:00am to <strong>10</strong>:00amLunch- 12:00pm to 2:00pmTiffin- 4:30pm to 6:15pmDinner- 7:30pm to 9:30pm2. Unlimited salad will be provided during lunch and dinner. It comprises of lemon and greenchilies and any three (menu) of the following in every meal: Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions,beetroots, carrots, and cabbage etc.3. Mouth freshener (Fennel seeds and sugar) and Pickle to be provided with every meal.4. Paneer is to be served twice a week if and as decided in the menu.5. During 18 weeks of the year, Rasna or equivalent must be served in unlimited quantityduring lunch <strong>for</strong> 4 days of the week. Lemon water should be served once in a weekthroughout the year.6. Chaas (1 glass of 200 ml), Lassi (1 glass of 200 ml), Raita, shrikhand each, must be servedduring lunch on one day of the week, if so decided in menu. On other days when chaas/ lassi/raita/ shrikhand will not be served, curd must be served.7. Coconut chutney & sambhar will be served with all south Indian dishes (like idli, dosa,uttappam etc).8. Dessert (Sweet Dish or Ice Cream (1 cup or bar) or Milkshake (1 glass of 200 ml)) on all 7days9. One serving of Fruit have to be served with dinner/lunch as decided in the menu<strong>10</strong>. Butter, Jam, chutney and Ketchup has to be provided along with dishes which need it asdecided in the menu.11. Menu as decided by the committee shall be strictly followed.12. Extra items e.g. non vegetarian dishes etc. over and above the decided mess menu can besold at prices decided in by the Mess Council in consultation with the caterer.13. Sufficient counters should be operational. The need will be decided by the Mess Council.14. <strong>Catering</strong> services <strong>for</strong> institute events held within the premises of hostel may be undertakenonly after obtaining a written permission from the mess council and warden at least threedays prior to the event.15. The caterer shall maintain a complaint and suggestion register and every complaint should beresponded by taking corrective measures in consultation with the <strong>Hostel</strong> Council.16. The caterer shall maintain a rebate, extras and a cash coupon register.17. Coupons <strong>for</strong> guest meals and extra will be sold (given) to the customer either on basis of astudent writing <strong>for</strong> it in the register maintained or against cash payment same to the caterers.The price the same shall be decided by mess council in consultation with the Caterer.18. Rebate will be given to students <strong>for</strong> a minimum period of three days on which he does notavail mess facility with prior notification of one day.19. <strong>Hostel</strong>s will get 60% on any surplus amount paid <strong>for</strong> the outsider meals (cash coupons).However the surplus amount paid by the student`s guests will be fully given to the caterer. (6

Prices will be such that guest surplus amount corresponds to 40% of the outsider`s surplusamount)20. In case the mess is closed <strong>for</strong> pest control or any occasion demanded by the contractor thenthe price of the meal will be deducted <strong>for</strong> which the mess remains closed.21. In case a special event is organized in the hostel <strong>for</strong> which food arranged from anothercaterer /restaurant, the students will get a discount corresponding to food charges <strong>for</strong> thatmeal.The following is the general structure of the menu.Breakfast:Will consist of the following: Unlimited Indian dish (e.g. Upma+Chutney/poha/idli/puri-bhaji/onionuttapam/aluparatha/methiparatha etc.) OR double omlette/ boiled egg/egg bhurji One glass (200 ml) of milk with cornflakes or bournvita/complan, Toasted bread/Normal Bread with butter and jam Sprouts Unlimited tea and coffee(Only Indian dish is mentioned in the table that follows)Lunch:Will consist of the following:i) Unlimited rice and chapatti (with and without ghee)ii) Unlimited dal or sambhariii) one unlimited curry (the representative curries are given in the table that follows)iv) Salad consisting of lime and any three of the followingonions,cucumbers,tomatoes,carrots,beetroots,cabbagev) unlimited curd/unlimited raita/one glass lassi/chaas(detail given in the table below)vi) Papad,pickle(Only the curry and dal or sambar dish is mentioned in the table that follows)Tiffin:Will consist of the following:i) Unlimited tea and coffeeii) Some snack item (the representative snacks are given in the table that follows)iii) Toasted bread/Normal bread with butter and jam(Only the snack item is mentioned in the table that follows)Dinner:Will consist of the following:i) Unlimited rice and chapatti(with and without ghee)ii) Unlimited dal or sambhariii) One unlimited curry (the representative curries are given in the table that follows)7

iv) Salad consisting of lime and green chilies and any three of the following onions, cucumbers,tomatoes, carrots, beetroots, cabbagev)Sweet dish(the representative sweet dishes are in the given table that follows)vi) One serving of fruit out of banana, mango, apple, watermelon, pineapple, papaya, pears,grapes, orange etc with at least 4 varieties a week.vii) Pickle1 Gala Dinner and 1 tea party will be organized in each semester.Gala Dinner:2 variety of vegetables, one variety daal, one variety rice, one variety of raita, one variety ofdrink, one variety of paratha/puri, one variety of sweet and one variety of ice cream.Tea Party:Tea, coffee, wafers, biscuits, snacks, sweetsSpecial Menu will be served on some special occasions like festivals in consultation with <strong>Hostel</strong>Council.Rasna or equivalentPapad4 times a week,18 weeks a year3 days a weekChutneyDifferent types(to be served 3 times aweek)Lassi 1 day a week during lunch (1 glass 200mL )Chass1 day a week during lunch (unlimitedquantity)Raita1 day a week during lunch(unlimitedquantity)ButterWith bread and parathaSproutsDaily, during breakfastSauceDuring breakfast and tiffin (only withdishes like maggie, samosa, paratha etc.)Desi ghee rotiDuring all lunch and dinner8

Sample mess menuBreak fast lunch Tiffin DinnerMon Idli, Sambhar,Chatni(Coconut) Sprouted Item(Moong) Omelet/BoiledEgg/Milk/2 bananas Bread, Butter, Jam Tea, CoffeeStuffed tomatoUrad Dal,Green ChutneyChapati, RiceSalad,Curd,Roasted Papad[Rasna]Ragda PetisBread, Butter andJamTea, Coffee.Turai SabjiDal(Masur)Chapati, JeeraRiceSaladBalushahiWatermelon sliceExtra: Chickenfry, curdTue Gobi Paratha Sprouted item(Matkiusal) Bread, Butter, Jam Boiled Eggs/Omelet/Milk/2bananas Tea, CoffeeRajma Masala,Tomato ChutneyDal(Tur)Chapati, RiceLassi(Sweet, Salty)SaladFried PapadDabeliBread Butter andjamTea, CoffeeCabbage & PeasDalChapati, RiceSaladGulab Jamun,Papaya SliceExtra : Egg curry,curdWed Poha + Seera Boiled Egg/Milk/2bananas/Omelet Bread, Butter, Jam Tea, CoffeeKhadhi PakodaDal(Tur+Tadka),Chapati,RiceSalad,CurdRoasted Papad[Lime Juice]PastaBread butter andjamTea, CoffeeTawaPaneer/PaneerTikaDal(Moong)Chapati, RiceRasgulla,bananaSaladExtra : Paneerchilly,curdThurs Basen Chila Sprouteditem(B/Chana) Bread, Butter, Jam Omelet/BoiledEgg/Milk/2 bananas Tea, CoffeeWhite Chawali MasalaDal(Masoor),Chapati, RiceSalad,ChaasRoasted Papad[Roohafza]Khasta Alu kachoriBread butter andjamTea, CoffeeMix VegDal(Tur)Chapati, RiceMalai sandwichAppleExtra-PaneerBhurji, curd9

Fri Alu/Muli Paratha Sprouted Item(Peanuts) Bread, Butter, Jam BoiledEgg/Omelet/Milk/2bananas Tea, CoffeeAlu simla mutterDal PalakChutney(Lasun+Shengdana)Chapati, RiceSalad,CurdFried papadPaav BhajiBread Butter andjamTea, Coffee Chole Dal(Moong) Tomato Rice puri Amrakhand, Orange Extra : Egg curry ,curdSat Sabudana Khichadi Butter, Curd Sprouted Item(Matki) Bread Butter and Jam Egg Bhurji/Milk/2bananas Tea, CoffeeMutter PaneerSambhar,CurdChapati, RiceFried Papad,Salad[Rasna]Pani puri/Dahi PuriBread Butter andjamTea, CoffeeMasala/AluBhendiDal makhaniChapati, RiceSaladKheerBananaExtra: ButterChicken, tomatosoup , curdSun Alu Chana, PlainParatha Sprouted Item(Matki) Bread Butter and Jam Milk/Boiled Egg/2bananas/Omelet Tea, CoffeeMethiDal(Tur+Tadka),Bundi RaitaChapati, Veg BiryaniFruit CustardSaladMasala DosaBread Butter andjamTea, CoffeeVeg ManchurianHakka NoodlesFried RiceLaddu (boondi),curdPineapple slice<strong>10</strong>

Pro<strong>for</strong>ma <strong>for</strong> the Technical BidName of the party: ____________________________________________________________1. Name of the Proprietor: _____________________________________________________2. Contact Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Contact Phone:___________________ Fax: ________________________e-mail address:______________________ Cell phone:___________________4. Major establishments in/ around Mumbai:(i)______________________________ (ii) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________(iii)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(iv) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature of the Proprietor or Authorized RepresentativeDate:_________________Name of the Signatory:_____________________________Place:_________________Designation:_____________________________________Stamp:11

In<strong>for</strong>mation to be provided in the Technical Bid1. Details of Experience of handling large institutional/corporate cafeteria/food outlet: Currentand Earlier (during last <strong>10</strong> years)2. Any other pertinent in<strong>for</strong>mation.<strong>Document</strong>s to be provided with the Technical Bid1. Two References.2. Xerox copy of the following documents:a) Bank solvency certificate, b) Income tax clearance certificate -last three years c) <strong>Catering</strong>,food outlet & labor license, d) Municipal license e)Registration Certificate f) PF/ESICin<strong>for</strong>mation, g) Balance Sheet - last 3 years, h) Partnership deed i) Sales Tax certificate, j) Shop& Establishment Registration k) Municipal Certificate, I) Work orders from other organizations12

Pro<strong>for</strong>ma of Commercial BidToDean, Student AffairsIndian Institute of Technology,<strong>Bombay</strong> Powai, Mumbai-400 076Sub: Mess <strong>Catering</strong> Contract <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hostel</strong> 12&13, <strong>IIT</strong> <strong>Bombay</strong>Name of the party: ____________________________________________________________Our quotation <strong>for</strong> the mess is: Rs.___________ (in words _______________________)/day/student. The above quotation includes all applicable taxes as detailed below:Rs.<strong>Catering</strong> charges per day per headTaxes (all inclusive)TotalWe have read and agree to1. Terms and conditions of Mess <strong>Catering</strong> contract2. Rules pertaining to the daily functioning of the mess3. Fines.__________________________________________________Signature of the Proprietor or Authorized RepresentativeDate:_________________Place:_________________Name of the Signatory:_____________________________Designation:_____________________________________Stamp:13

Brands of consumables permissible in H12 & 13 messItemSaltSpicesChickenKetchupOil (Sunflower)PickleAttaInstant NoodlesFlavoured fruit drinksPapadButterBreadJamGheeShrikhandCow MilkPaneerTeaCoffeeIce CreamBrandTata, Annapurna, Nature freshM.D.H. Masala, Satyam, Badshah, Everest, Kepra,pravinVenky's Chicken, Godrej Real goodMaggi, Kissan, HeinzSundrop, Godrej, Saffola, Fortune, Dhara(use of Hydrogenated (vanaspati) oil is prohibited )Mother's or Pravin or Priya or Bedekar or Nilon’sAshirvad, Pillsbury, AnnapurnnaMaggiRasna, RoohafzaLijjatAmul, Brittania, Mother dairyModern, Kwality, WibsKisan or MaggiAmul, Mother Dairy, Britannia, Gits, EverydayAmulMahananda, Amul, Mother Dairy (Without Water)AmulBrook bond, Lipton, Tata,TaazaNescafeVadilal, Amul, Mother Dairy, KwalityThe caterer may use any other FPO appoved brands only if permitted by the Mess Council, inwriting.14

Penalties <strong>for</strong> violation or rules, terms and conditionsAnnexure-CPenalties <strong>for</strong> violation of rules, terms and conditionsThe caterers will be fined in case of violation of the following of the following rules1. Unavailability of complaint register on the counter/discouraging the complaint would lead to a fine ofRs.<strong>10</strong>00/- on the caterer.2. Any 3 complaints of insects found in any meal would invite a fine of Rs.4000/- on the caterer.3. Any 3 complaints of unclean utensils in a day would lead to a fine of Rs.2000/- on the caterers.4. If mess committee agrees that certain meal was not cooked properly or if quality of any item servedduring any meal is not up to the mark(decided by mess council) the fine of Rs.2000/- would be imposedon the caterer.5. If food <strong>for</strong> any meal gets over within the mess timings and the waiting time is more than 15 minutesduring lunch and dinner and more than <strong>10</strong> minutes during breakfast and tiffin then a fine of Rs.2000/-would be imposed on the caterer. The timing of that meal will be extended equivalent to delay time.6. Change in the menu without permission of the mess committee would result in a fine of Rs.2000/- onthe caterer.7. Fine on any discrepancy (personal hygiene of workers, kitchen area, dining area, etc.) will lead to a fineof Rs.2000/- on the caterer.8. For any rules stated in the agreement,i) First violation of the rule implies a fine as per the rule.ii) Second violation of the same rule in the same calendar month will attract triple the initial amount offine <strong>for</strong> the caterer.iii) All subsequent violations of the same rule would five times the initial amount of fine.9. Absence of proprietor from mess council meeting (which will be held once every month) will attract afine of Rs.20000/- on the caterer and re-scheduling of the meeting shall be done.<strong>10</strong>. As and when mess council proposes a fine it will in<strong>for</strong>m the representative of the caterer or messmanager and fine will be imposed with consent of the warden.11. Using of brands not mentioned in the contract without prior permission and adulteration shallinvoke a hefty fine beyond the limit of any fine mentioned above and decided by the mess councilwith consent with the warden.12. Severity of hygiene failure shall be assessed and decided by the mess council and finedappropriately. In case of gross failure/negligence a severe penalty will be imposed, which could be ahefty fine as cash and/or summary termination of the Contract.Mess timingsBreakfast: 8:00 to <strong>10</strong>:00 amLunch: 12:00 to 2:00pmTiffin: 4:30 to 6:15pmDinner: 7:30 to 9:30pm15

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