The Fury Times - Forsyth Country Day School

The Fury Times - Forsyth Country Day School

The Fury Times - Forsyth Country Day School

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Fury</strong> <strong>Times</strong><strong>The</strong> weekly e-newsletter efor parents, teachers, students, and friends of FCDSIssue Issue 17, 26, Volume Volume Five Five January April 6, 19, 20102010Let ’s Be FriendsJust before Spring Break, <strong>Forsyth</strong> <strong>Country</strong><strong>Day</strong> presented one of its most beloved annualevents: the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergartenmusical. This year, studentsperformed Let’s BeFriends, a perennial favoritewritten by Lower<strong>School</strong> artist in residenceBeth Frack and her husbandKevin.<strong>The</strong>musicalfeaturedthe singing,Photos courtesy of Photos byTom Howelldancing, and acting talents of the entire Kindergartenand Pre-Kindergarten, starring LexiMcQuilkin as Fluff and Ben Schomberg asWisel. <strong>The</strong> Kindergarten cows were Amara Thohan(soloist), Berk Yalcinkaya, James Snyder(soloist), Maddie Bea Merhoff, Saiid Allen, SarahBoyles, Ansley Reid, Elliot Sullivan, KatherineLi, Parker Wise, and Sam Clingman. <strong>The</strong> followingPre-K students also played cows: AjaEspaña, Corbin Spivey, Henry Stinehelfer,Paris Squier, William Cavenaugh, AlexaMahan, Elliott Chmil, Jack Rayburn, andPresley Squier.<strong>The</strong> Kindergarten pigs were Abbie Bennett,Brooks Reid, Emmie Cawood, Mary KathryneShaw, Stevo Stewart, Andrew Mitchell, ColbyContinued on Page 2If you have any questions, comments, or if you would like to submit an item to <strong>The</strong> <strong>Fury</strong> <strong>Times</strong> for publication, please sendyour item via e-mail to furytimes@fcds.org or call P.J. St. John (ext. 428). <strong>The</strong> deadline for submissions is Wednesday at 5:00p.m. for the following Monday’s <strong>Fury</strong> <strong>Times</strong>.

Issue 26, Volume 5Continued from Page 1<strong>The</strong> <strong>Fury</strong> <strong>Times</strong> April 6, 2010Ring, Jeffrey Wanderman (soloist), SkylarLewis (soloist), and Thomas Hunter. <strong>The</strong>Pre-K pigs were Abbie Merhoff, DuncanMack, Joy Lokas, Thomas Constable, XanderBellissimo, Zack Dinkins, AnnabelleMcAllister, Jordan Shegog, Madison Kennedy,Will George, and Zane Dinkins.<strong>The</strong> Kindergarten chickens and roosterswere Brynna Myers, Caroline Cravens(soloist), Lucas Plitt, Sean Gallagher, WilliamSurratt, Cade Lindsey, Emily Romo(soloist), Mia Adams (soloist), ThomasBennett (soloist), and Zack Liner. <strong>The</strong> Pre-Kindergarten chickens and roosters wereAngelo Paparoupas, Emily Ayers, MadisonEdwards, Monica Murea, Sam Scott, ColinDuncan, Isis Claytor, Max Drucker, RyanReynolds, and Savannah McQuilkin.<strong>The</strong> Kindergarten farm kids were Alyssa Harris(soloist), Emily Masten, Micah Hudnall, CharlotteCraver, Jackson Martin, and Robert Kluttz(soloist). <strong>The</strong> Pre-Kindergarten farm kidswere Alex Jin, CaymusBarto, Helen Newton,Meredith White, RhodesBaker, Worth Byers, AlexHines, Grayson Matney,Kyle Haas, Nicole Chung,and Scott Young.KindergartenbutterflieswereLauraTaylorand Sarah Clegg, and Pre-Kindergarten butterflies were Emily Quesnel, EvaMiller, and Caroline Clifton.Phillip McAllister (K) played the rat; CadenDidier (K) played the squirrel; and the farmer wasplayed by Headmaster Henry M. Battle, Jr.Congratulations to all of these fine actors on ajob very well done! To see more photos from thisproduction (there are 497), please visit Photos byTom Howell on our Web site (from the homepage, click on “About,” then select “Photo Gallery.”)Please note that the photos may not beposted until later this week.2

Issue 26, Volume 5Host an International Student!We are currentlylooking for hostfamilies for the2010-2011 schoolyear. While internationalstudentstend to join the“<strong>The</strong> best part of hosting Diana, by far, hasbeen the relationship we have cultivated withher that will last a lifetime...She will alwayshave a place in our hearts, and our home willalways be open to her.”—Sara Fischer, FCDS Teacher<strong>The</strong> <strong>Fury</strong> <strong>Times</strong> April 6, 2010Upper <strong>School</strong>, the opportunity to host aninternational student is open to all Lower,Middle and Upper <strong>School</strong> families. Thisis a wonderful opportunity to grow yourfamily and impact their understanding ofthe world. Interested families should contactChris Turner at ext. 343 orchristurner@fcds.org.Hope and Love for HaitiWondering how to help Haiti, whosecitizens are struggling to recover fromthe catastrophic earthquake that rockedthe island nation on January 12? One easyway: buy a T-shirt.<strong>Forsyth</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>School</strong> is selling T-shirts for $10.00, with 100 percent of theproceeds to go to Haitian relief efforts.Special thanks go to Hanesbrands,which donated 1,000 shirts and the help ofa designer, and to senior Danielle Nelson,who spearheaded the project.<strong>The</strong> T-shirts are available to purchasein the <strong>Fury</strong> Ltd, <strong>Forsyth</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Day</strong>’s oncampusstore, so please stop by and supportthis important student initiative! If you havefurther questions, please contact Dean of StudentsChris Turner at christurner@fcds.org.6Front (above) and back (below) of T-shirt

Rosetta Stone, the world’s number-one language-learning solution, is now beingoffered through the Williams Library Discovery Center. FCDS students,families, and faculty members are encouraged to take this opportunity to learna new language, brush-up on their second language, or enhance their classroomlessons using an online version of the popular software.Rosetta Stone is guided by the philosophy that the natural way people learnlanguages as children remains the most effective method. <strong>The</strong> program combinesthis natural teaching method with powerful, patented technology to createan environment that replicates the way we successfully learned our firstlanguage.We will be offering the flexible online version to the FCDS community at arate of $95 for 365 days of online active use. <strong>The</strong> program features engaging,voice-driven technology and management and administrative capabilities acceleratelanguage learning and provide quantifiable measurements of success.With more than 30 languages to choose from, Rosetta Stone offers somethingfor everyone.Please contact Shelley Schaberg for registration information.Shelley SchabergDirector of Williams Discovery Center<strong>Forsyth</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>Day</strong> <strong>School</strong>336-945-3151 Ext. 379shelleyschaberg@fcds.org9

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